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  1. @bpwwer The log file from the plugin appears to indicate that it is using onecall (see log snippet below). I ask because I still can't get the plugin to actually populate with data. My API key is a week or more old now and still not working. 2024-04-22 07:17:00,828 Thread-4 udi_interface DEBUG query:_get_weather_data: request = http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?exclude=minutely,hourly&lat=38.75&lon=-121.29&units=imperial&appid=<myapikey> ... 2024-04-22 07:17:00,910 Thread-4 udi_interface DEBUG query:_get_weather_data: {'cod': 401, 'message': 'Invalid API key. Please see https://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.'} 2024-04-22 07:17:00,912 Thread-4 udi_interface ERROR query:query_onecall: Onecall data query failed
  2. Just one more update incase anyone else ever runs into this issue. I had another pair of Insteon switches that I could not get the Fast On/Off to trigger a program just as described in the original post. However these devices were not controllers of any scenes, only responders in scenes. I tried removing the devices from all of the scenes they were in and then re-adding them. This did not fix the Fast On/Off problem. Finally I decided to just create a temporary scene and add both devices to that scene as Controllers. I think removed them and deleted the scene. This fixed my problem.
  3. @paulbates OK so I just kind of accidentally discovered a solution and I'm not sure why it works. I removed the 3 devices I was testing with from the scenes they were in and then re-added them to the scenes. Suddenly the Fast On/Off commands worked and I can see manual clicks in the Event Viewer. It's odd that this worked but doing a "Restore Device" did not work. Also the factory reset of the device did not work. So I went to test this fix on another device in which the Fast Off comnand was not working. This time I only removed the device from the scene in which it was the controller. This was enough to fix my problem. Thanks for taking the time to work with me.
  4. @bpwwer I am trying to migrate from PG2 to PG3 so I am just now creating an Open Weather account (basically this makes me a new user). As a new user I cannot create an API Key that works with 2.5 as far as I can tell. I contacted their support trying to get them to give me an API key that will work with 2.5 and they so far have not been able to help me. They just keep telling me 2.5 is deprecated. So maybe new users cannot use OpenWeatherMap plugin?
  5. Both things work. I can manually press the device and it activates other insteon devices. I can also use the admin console of the isy, select the scene and select "On" and the scene operates as expected. If I manually press the device nothing is shown in the Event Viewer. If I use the admin consol and select the device and select "On" I can see events. The 2 attached screenshots are from sending the "On" command and "Fast On" command respectively from the isy admin console. Manual clicks of the device send nothing to the Event Viewer so nothing attached for that.
  6. @paulbates If I look at the Device Link table for one of the devices that is not working ("not working" meaning Fast On/Off programs not running, and no event showing in Event Viewer BUT scene works fine), I can see my new PLM as the very first address in the link table and there are no references to the old PLM. Doesn't that mean it is properly linked to my PLM?
  7. That is so strange. I would think other things would not work if this were the case. Like the scenes work fine, other programs work fine, everything works fine except fast on/off. I tried restore and factory reset. Neither worked. I'll try just removing the device and re-adding it. Any other ideas other than restoring the device and plm which I have tried both many times?
  8. I've been using the Fast On/Off commands for 6-8 years so I do have a good feel for how fast to click it. Also, if it were the speed of my double click then a simple test would be to switch the "Fast Off" command to "Off" in my program and things would work. I tried this and it did not help.
  9. I agree. And that is my current problem, nothing shows in the Event Viewer when manually operating devices. Do you have Insteon devices? Can you confirm that manual operation of a device will fire an event in the Event Viewer?
  10. Yes I updated my PLM. I tried restore many times. No effect. I even did a factory reset on the MasterBed device. The problem is I don't want a basic scene where all those lights go on/off when I turn on my bedroom lights. I have 4 lights in my master bedroom and I want to be able to turn them all off with a double press of the bedroom switch. But I certainly don't want the bathroom to turn on when I turn my bedroom on. So is there a way for a scene to ONLY respond to the Fast Off command? I used to achieve this with the programs.
  11. Yes the "Then" portion runs fine when run from the admin console. No the last runtime does not change. It feels like the Fast On/Off command never gets to the PLM but how do I diagnose?
  12. I am running IoX on a Polisy with version 5.8.0 I am using Insteon devices that were installed 6-8 years ago if I remember correctly. For a long time I had programs that looked like this: If MasterBed is switched Fast Off Then Set MasterBed Off Set MasterHall Off Set MasterBath Off I had lots of programs like this in various parts of the house. They all used to work great but now they do not. None of them work. A couple of questions: 1) Can I accomplish this same thing in a scene? I couldn't figure out how to make the trigger 'Fast Off' for a scene? 2) How can I diagnose my problem? When I open the Event Viewer and select Level "Device Communication events" and then I go to the switch on my wall and press it I do not see an event in the Event Viewer. If I open the Log from Tools > Log I do not see any device communication in the log either. As far as I know this is the only problem I have in my system. There are probably 50+ Insteon devices with dozens of scenes and programs. Everything works fine except for programs triggered through Fast On/Off commands.
  13. Any updates on this? I have the same issue? Can you make version an optional parameter?
  14. Hey All, I'm running an isy994i pro with version 5.3.4 of the ui and firmware. I am having issues that I don't want to get into otherwise I'm afraid this thread will get off the rails. The basic symptom that I see is that physical presses of Insteon devices do not fire events in the Admin Console Event Viewer. ie. If I go to a switch and press it on or off I do not see an event in the event viewer. This is true for dimmers switches, key pads and outlets, all Insteon devices. I do see events in the event viewer if I trigger the event from the admin console or if the events are triggered from programs running on timers or node servers (Open Weather for example). So events do show up in certain cases, just not from physical presses of devices. I idon't have anything other than Insteon so can't say if it's a problem with other devices. Questions 1) Can anyone confirm that Insteon devices should show events in the event viewer when physically pressed? 2) Can anyone confirm that this works in version 5.3.4? 3) Does it matter if the events are shown in the Event Viewer? As in, is this a problem or not? Thank you in advance!
  15. Where is that data stored on a Mac? I didn't see it in ~/Libracy/Caches
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