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  1. Yeah it seems the issue was when I did the migration over it would. Or fix. Did a factory reset and manually added and everything works fine. I think something is going on in the migration process but it works again so I’m not messing with it.
  2. Yes. I did a clean install and everything worked seamlessly. I think as I had migrated from an isy over it had created issues with zwave in general. I did a factory reset and that allowed me to add everything manually and allowed me to clean up a bunch of automations and things I didn’t use.
  3. no options to S0, S2, just "use secure inclusion" either on or off, nothing else that i can see, unless i'm looking in the wrong spot?
  4. tried this still same thing it seems to complete the interview with no thrown error, but icon remains lightbulb, and no options to actually use the lock features.
  5. Tried doing this, and when running to re-connecting it says "cannot load files/config/random.conf" where random is a bunch of letters/numbers i can't get them all as it flashes by too quickly... not sure if there's some read permission error. it does recognize it as an "Entry Control" but there's no ability to actually manage the device and it's still a lightbulb.
  6. IoX firmware 5.5.9 (same UI) PG3 Version 3.1.18 Using the internal zmatter board in the polisy (says z-wave module 21100) in the product about section. the zwave module in the lock is the v1.7.8 Model AYR202-ZWV-USA
  7. setup a new Yale lock to my Polisy, it connects, but when it does it shows up as a lightbulb not as a lock. it is connected directly to the polisy and tried to pair it even with the polisy being right beside it, still same issue. not sure how to get it to show up as a lock device.
  8. i'm on PG3 Version 3.1.16 looking now it looks like there's an upgrade to 3.1.18 is it worth doing the upgrade?
  9. after a power failure or a clean reboot, the polisy comes back up but none fo the nodes in v3 auto start, they all always remain in a stopped state, any way to change this?
  10. OK so I think i've solved this if anyone else ever runs into the problem. Seems that when you migrate it keeps the connection to the primary controller. I had to delete all the Zwave devices one by one by right clicking and deleting them each one by one. then did Z-wave --> Synchronize --> New & Deleted with Interview. Everything was rebuilt and generally works (door locks show up as light bulbs, and don't know how to fix it, but recognize it as an Entry Control). Now i just need to re-build how my zwave devices were, which fortunatly wasn't a ton of them, and has to be a better way, but this worked.
  11. I've migrated from the ISY to the Polisy. My ISY was a secondary controller to my Qolsys IQ Panel 4, everything worked well. Just finished migrating and while the zwave devices migrated over, and the polisy and IQ Panel seem to be connected, it doesn't seem like the Polisy is setup as secondary controller, and i can't manage anything, everything just shows up as light bulbs with no status or ability to change anything. when I had originally put the ISY as seconary controller it was several firmware revision ago, and the wiki is what I had followed, now looking in both the ISY and the polisy the zwave options seem to be different from what I remember and what the wiki indicates: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Users:V5:ZWave:User_Guide I don't have the option to shift from primary to secondary or vice versa or the ability to enter "Learn Mode"
  12. I am trying to migrate my ISY to a polisy pro. when the polisy reboots and starts to build what i'm assuming is the list of devices and status from the backup imported, it very, very slowly progresses, the whole time saying:"DB: Cannot load ./FILES/CONF/######.REC" where the ###### change as it processes through some random number/letter combos, my question is do I need to worry about this and will it create any issues later on? everything seems to be working...
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