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  1. Thanks for this info az. I hope to have my trixbox integrated to isy soon in certain ways, so this was nice to see. Steven
  2. Yes, creative thinking! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Tried all of the suggestions. Bad lamplinc will factory reset fine and will connect to remotelinc fine and work with remotelinc fine but doesn't want to play with admin console. Here is the error when trying to add it to a scene: Device Communications Error Cannot communicate with RL-B1 0A.14.37.1 (A 14 37 1). Please check connections. I notice it drops the leading 0 from LL's address at the end. Seems like someone wrote about leading zeos, but my other LL starts with the same 0A and it works fine. Any other suggestions? Seems like if I tell Smarthome that it works fine outside of ISY-26 then they won't see it as a bad device. I was just reading Q&A and I guess I'll try moving the LL around to a few different locations. If that fails I'll put it back where it was and move the PLM and ISY-26 around. I've done this to a small extent, but not exuastiively. UGGHHH! Steven
  4. Saw that posted by your or someone so I did that as soon as I got the starter kit. I just got back home so am going to do the reset on lamplinc and try again.
  5. Thanks Rand. Almost nothing worthwhile is ever easy! I've done a f reset and tried entering the insteon address which I'm guessing is the same as the ID. Reset seemed to work but adding the lamplinc by typing it's address in ISY fails every time. Remotelinc shows all 6 addresses in ISY, but the one the bad lamplinc is connected to fails anything tried with it in ISY. I Should unlink that lamplinc from the remotelinc and then do the factory restore on the lamplinc, correct? Then should I try to add it to ISY from the menu or button OR should I link it to remotelinc with remotelinc buttons? I would think it doesn't matter, but figured I might as well ask. I'll be back later this afternoon to try the repeat. I appreciate your help Rand.
  6. deeeveeeg


    Thanks for the link upstatemike. So are you MikeB? If not, I enjoyed his reviews on his site. Enjoy EHX if you are there. I haven't made it but would sure like to. Take care, Steven
  7. I've been X-10ing for a number of years and discovered ISY-26 online and immediately began investigating. Just picked one up last week along with the INSTEON RemoteLinc Starter Kit and an INSTEON SwitchLinc Dimmer. So far I have only been able to get the switchlinc dimmer and one of the lamplincs to climb aboard the admin console. I just finally got the remotelinc to link to the console. Are the access points suppose to be added to the console as well? When I try to add the other lamplinc via console - Link Management - New Insteon Device, Initializing System gets to 43 or 44 % and then an error window pops up "Request Failed". I've tried moving access points, removing the happy lamplinc and putting the unhappy lamplinc in the same outlet then retry linking. I've either got a faulty one or I'm missing some simple setting. As far as the remotelinc, it seems to work just fine outside of the admin console, but can't get it to show up in the console. BTW, what or where is "button 1" referred to in the message dialog after clicking Link a RemoteLinc in the console? Fixed this. Remotelinc is now linked and visible in console. So "button 1" is scene A On button? Now that the above (green) is fixed, I'll try linking the lamplinc to the remotelinc outside of console then relinking remotelinc to console. I appreciate Michel's quick response and welcome this weekend and comments and assistance (just in my reading) by fellow ISY users throughout the forum. Despite some initial issues and frustration, I'm very happy with UDI and the ISY-26 as well as being able to graduate from X-10. Thanks in advance for any help. Steven
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