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Joe Casullo

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Community Answers

  1. I was on firmware 5.8.0 and upgraded to 5.8.3 and my UD Mobile is at 1.1.64. Nothing changed, my favourites do not update and I cannot connect to the Admin/ Plugins (BETA) to see the Node Servers, I get the following error (see attached image). Thank you.
  2. Sorry, I should have mentioned that I use an iPhone. I've also noticed that when I am on my local WiFi only the first in the list of Local Networks works. The other WiFi networks in the list are on the same VLAN and therefore my iPhone has the same IP address. Only the ELK node server does not respond when on these other WiFi networks. Thanks,
  3. When I am away from home and therefore connected via the cloud, ELK nodes do not update on my favourites screen nor can I connect to the PG3 node server on the Plugins (BETA). Anyone else having the same issues?
  4. Thank you for the information, I guess I'll be making more programs.
  5. I unplugged one of my Aeotec Z-Wave power plugs and I didn't get an alert on the Admin console. It's been unplugged for days. With Insteon power plugs, I would get an alert if they were unplugged. Does this mean I have to run a program to monitor the status of all the Z-Wave devices? Does anyone know how to be alerted for unresponsive, always awake modules? Thanks, Joe
  6. I monitor the online status of this node server with a program and the node server briefly goes offline a few times a day. Here are a couple of errors I say in the log that coincides with the offline. 2023-08-22 16:51:20,218 Thread-1613 udi_interface ERROR station:Query: Parsing failed: string indices must be integers 2023-08-22 16:51:20,218 Thread-1613 udi_interface INFO station:setState: ecfabc15d6 status set to 0 2023-08-22 16:51:20,218 Thread-1613 udi_interface INFO station:setState: 8caab5c78f status set to 0 2023-08-22 16:51:20,340 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set 8caab5c78f :: ST to 0 UOM 2 2023-08-22 16:51:35,473 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set ecfabc15d6 :: ST to 0 UOM 2 2023-08-22 16:29:19,882 Thread-1588 udi_interface ERROR station:Query: Parsing failed: string indices must be integers 2023-08-22 16:29:19,882 Thread-1588 udi_interface INFO station:setState: ecfabc15d6 status set to 0 2023-08-22 16:29:19,882 Thread-1588 udi_interface INFO station:setState: 8caab5c78f status set to 0 2023-08-22 16:29:20,005 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set 8caab5c78f :: ST to 0 UOM 2 2023-08-22 16:29:35,025 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set ecfabc15d6 :: ST to 0 UOM 2 Any idea what's causing these parsing errors? Thank you in advance.
  7. Correct, my program was looking for a logical status change, normal or violated, so I changed it to look for a Control ON and now it works. Thank you, Jimbo.
  8. I have two zones with physical contacts, when they change state to Violated (open contacts) the Elk Node Server "Send On For" sends a signal and I trigger a program. But when they change state to Normal (closed contacts) the Elk Node Server "Send Off For" sends a signal even though I have the "Send Off For" set to None. I have tried different configurations, but "Send Off For" set to none always sends a signal. Is anyone else experiencing this symptom or is it a bug? Thanks in advance.
  9. Thank you for the info, I'll wait for a response from the team.
  10. I was able perform the inclusion process for this sensor but it remains in the write updates mode, it has the green 101010 icon next to it. I cannot query it or read configuration parameters. I've excluded and included a few time but not change. I appreciate any help with this issue. Thank you.
  11. I stopped using Elk lights a long time ago, probably when I got my first ISY.
  12. I would like to use the Clip command and play an MP3 file as per the jishi API documentation. The documentation says the MP3 files should be stored in the static/clips folder, do we have access to this folder? I did ssh into the EISY and could not find any folders for this node server. I used to use the jishi API on another server and it worked great for presets etc. I would like to do the same with the node server. Thanks
  13. Fixed the HDMI issue, I opened a ticked and Michel said I needed a BIOS update. Did the BIOS update and now my HDMI ports work and I can get the the desktop. Thanks all.
  14. I opened a ticket and they said I just need a BIOS update, I’ll let you know.
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