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  1. Thanks for the feedback! The reason i ask is I'd like to have a program that shut off the AC when a door was detected as open for 5 or more mins. The frustrating part is Ecobee can do this simple task natively, but they require you to be signed up for their monthly service ($5 /month). I personally think this is ridiculous and I'm trying to find a way around it. Is it at all possible to put this on your 'to do' list? Or is the task simply too large? I would think more people than me would utilize this function as a way of not paying for the monthly service.
  2. Quick question... I currently have an Ecobee with a smart sensor all connected up and running with my polisy. Last night i connect up a Door and Window sensor hoping that it would show up in the Polisy but it has not. I just restarted the node server but still nothing. Here are my Ecobee Node Server questions: 1. Does the Door and Window sensor integrated? 2. Can the node server integrate with 2 different Thermostats from different 'Homes' (but all in the same Ecobee account)?
  3. Thanks again! Is there any more documentation around the Plant Type variable? I've always left it at the default and tweaked some other calculations till i get a solution i'm happy with.
  4. I just got my server up and running (thanks to Bob) and for what its worth it appears Aeris increased the amount of accesses you get for the "PWS Contributors Package" subscription. It used to be 1000 (i'm pretty sure) now its 5000. Because of this i changed my shortpoll to 90 and longpoll to 1000.
  5. Yep that seemed to do it! Thanks for the fix. You answered this question awhile back (so i apologize for reasking), but the PRECIP value, i recall, isn't the actual precipitation accumulation for the day correct? Isn't it only the accumulation for the last hour? Can you remind me the best way to get precipitation accumulation for the day? I have an ambient weather station that publishes its data to PWS Weather. sys.node.[address].PRECIP (current precipitation accumulation)
  6. Here are the logs. Note that i tried to create custom config parameters for each of the required items to see if that would work... so you may see some of that in the logs. AERISWeather_6-10-2022_93412_AM.zip
  7. Hey all, i just installed this server on my polisy and i went to enter in all of my config information but the only fields were the short poll and long poll. How or where do i enter clientID, client secret and other config info??
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