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  1. Thank you. They were there, just not obvious as you said.
  2. I think I got it. All in Area 1. Thanks!
  3. That helped a lot. How do I add a wireless zone? I have Hardwired Main Bd, Hardwired Exp 2 and Wireless - Group 3. I added area 3, but I don't see the equipment. I am using input zones 1-35. Thanks
  4. I just upgraded from an older Isy to an eisy. I had an Elk Tab on the old system. I understand that there is no tab on this plugin, but I'm pretty sure I have not completed the install. All I see in my UD interface is an Elk Controller listing and there is pretty much no information in there. I have some messages in the Polyglot 3x page. They are: Can't start elk until configuration is fixed host not defined '' ERROR: 09/24/2024 08:07:02 See log for: ELK Controller: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'panel' user_code not defined '' I'm not sure what to do about any of those. Are there step-by-step instructions for setting this up? Would like to get it running as I have a few programs that use Elk information. Thanks
  5. I run multiple monitors on a different computer, but I don't recall accessing the Admin Console from that computer. The computer I use to access Admin Console is a laptop. I don't think I would have ever found the "state files". The Universal Devices Wiki is incredible but an easy place to get lost for me. A ton of information. The ISY is great. Unfortunately, it is driving a lot of Insteon devices, but I am hoping for the new group over there restore Insteon options and issues (mostly replacement PLM's). I think that is my current Achilles Heel. Again, thanks!! I marked the post as the solution. Hope it helps others.
  6. Geddy, thanks, that worked. The only difference I can tell from previous attempts is the deletion of the files in step 2. My next question is....what occurred that made this a problem?
  7. I am using Java Version 8, update 341. I have already tried removing it and reinstalling from the Java.com site.
  8. I am running a PC. Windows 11. No changes on this machine from when it was last running correctly. I can start the ISY Finder. I can select Admin Console Lan or CLoud and nothing happens. If I select Dashboard, it loads. If I put http://ip.of.my.isy/admin.jnlp into my browser, I get a slightly different Finder window. Nothing in that window is selectable, but it does have the ISY information in it. I'm finding it pretty frustrating that accessing the ISY Admin Console has suddenly become difficult. I'm not sure what else to do.
  9. Yup, power cycling did not help.
  10. Tried that first. But I will try it again. I agree, it looks like it is going out to get the Admin Console but isn't finding it.
  11. Suddenly Admin Console is not loading. Worked yesterday and as far as I know, I did not change anything. My Isy 994i is working. I can reach it through the Isy Portal or by putting in the direct network address. I have followed the directions in this forum to clear my Java cache and I have re-downloaded the Isy Launcher. When I run the Launcher the ISY Finder comes up and immediately finds the Isy. If I click on the Admin Console (Lan) nothing happens, except the iSY Finder window ceases to work. Any thoughts besides what is already posted in these forums?
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