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Everything posted by blaine

  1. FINALLY(!!!) got there. I ASSumed that the password was for the ISY and not portal. Once I encoded my portal credentials, all is well.
  2. Additional info. For the URL, I just discovered the "URL to ISY" within Portal. It wasn't clear where that came from initially. I'm now using that as my URL with the added REST commands. Regardless, I'm now getting "User authorization not valid" returned from the shortcut. Here's what my current shortcut looks like. The first redacted portion is the key from the "URL to ISY" and the second one is my "username:password" encoded in Base64. I feel like I'm doing everything correctly. EDIT: I used this post from Javi as my template for setting this up: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/39832-siri-shortcuts-interface-to-ud-mobile/?do=findComment&comment=356700
  3. EDIT: I'll leave this post here, but I think my problem is in the "Get contents of URL" command. I'm testing with the format used in the previous post by FrayAdjacent, but so far I'm getting the same resultes. ------------------------------------------------------------- I *think* I'm getting closer, but I'm getting "Authorization missing" when I attempt to run the shortcut from my Mac. Any help is appreciated. I should note that if I run the following command from my browser, it works as expected and turns on the device: For clarity, I'm using EISY where the default ports are 8080 and 8443... I have no control over that. The blanked out portion in the image is solely my ISY credentials converted to Base64. The format I used as input to the encoder was "username:password". I entered these same ISY credentials when prompted by my browser to run the REST command within my LAN, so I know they're working.
  4. Thank you larryllix, Guy Lavoie and FrayAdjacent. You've cleared up the most confusing aspects of this challenge for me. I misunderstood the part about browsers not supporting this method of passing credentials and I suspect that was my main hurdle to moving forward. FrayAdjacent... I'm using an EISY, so the ports can't be modified. Regardless, your post was helpful. I tried using one of my DDNS entries to no avail, but it really comes back to what Larry clarified. I'll get back to this later this weekend. I'm confident that I'll get there. This is a great group of people! I'm surprised how quickly tips came in. Cheers, Blaine
  5. This is a timely post as I'm trying to do exactly what the OP wants. I'm getting seriously stuck on how to generate and use the authorization key. I'm simply trying to get things working with the URL in my Chrome browser before I attempt the shortcut in iOS. This is on an EISY. If I go to URL (I'm using simple things to start), I successfully get all of the ISY nodes listed. If I go to URL https://my.isy.io:8443/rest/nodes, I get a timeout. I've attempted to insert my Base64 encoded password (format username:password) using an online base64 encoder (both normal and URL friendly). I put that string here: https://my.isy.io:8443/encoded_credentials/rest/nodes and again, I obviously get nothing since the non-credential URL timed out. I've tried so many things that I'm now very confused. I concise guide to get this working would be much appreciated. Finally, I'm confused by this statement: "To create the url get "URL to ISY" from Portal or use your local IP Address, then append the rest command i.e. /rest/nodes/<nodeAddress>/cmd/DON" which came from this thread: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/42202-trying-to-pass-variable-between-2-isys-using-the-portal/?do=findComment&comment=373777 Is "URL to ISY" a function I'm not seeing, or am I taking it too literally? I'm not finding anything and the URL when I'm logged into Portal is simply https://my.isy.io/index.htm. Thanks Blaine
  6. I've just migrated from an ISY-994i with a 500-series z-wave card to EISY with a Z-Matter dongle. My question pertains to z-wave functionality for the Yale door lock model YRD226. On the ISY-994i, I was able to set user codes in ISY and send out notifications for particular users (think housekeeper) upon unlocking the door. It appears that this functionality isn't supported under EISY/Z-Matter. Is it possible to bring over the exact same functionality that was supported with the ISY-994i and series 500 z-wave card? Thanks, Blaine
  7. Thanks all for the replies... it's good to know that it's working as designed. That said, this "feature" is nothing I'd ever ask for... it's easy enough to see which switch is providing the load by simply looking to see which switch has the load wire hooked up. And thanks Larry for the suggestion to write the simple program... I was contemplating doing exactly that and your coding example will make it a snap. I searched high and low within the forum for an answer to this "feature" and couldn't find a thing... must not have been entering the proper search terms. --Blaine
  8. I'm experiencing some odd behavior and I've confirmed that it works the same way with a buddy's ISY system. Setup: Two SwitchLinc dimmers, both added to a scene where one controls the load and the other doesn't control the load (standard 3-way setup). They're both added as controllers to the scene. Behavior: If I do a single tap on either switch, they stay in sync and ramp up to the "Applied Locally" brightness... works the same for a single click to turn them off. If I ramp up or down the brightness manually (by holding the paddle), they stay in sync. If I do a fast on/off from either switch, they stay in sync. HOWEVER, if I attempt a single click to fully brighten the lights beyond their "Applied Locally" value, the switch I clicked responds, but the other one does not. This isn't a big deal for the switch that controls the load (other than not being reflected on the non-load switch's status LED), but if I do this on the the non-load switch, it just ramps up its LED status with no response from the load switch. Is this normal behavior? Or am I doing something wrong? I've already performed a factory reset and restore on both switches. Thanks, Blaine
  9. OK... starting to feel like Groundhog Day! Short of requesting something special from the RTI driver developer for OutletLincs (and apparently ApplianceLincs too), I've resigned myself to live with the shortcoming. Thanks, Blaine
  10. Lee/Michel, I'm not sure I could botch what I'm trying to convey any worse than I already have. 1) I'm using the RTI driver for ISY that you mention 2) I'm making ASSumptions about REST, including how it's used in said RTI driver 3) I haven't read the SDK documentation about subscribing and hence don't know how that actually works. The driver is clearly doing what it should be, however that's done, which is not how I imagined it's done. 3) I'm using a couple of REST commands to simulate what I imagine is going on in the driver I'm using and get different results for the OutletLinc vs. every other device when controlled locally at the device. 4) The OutletLinc, independent of whatever is actually going on in the driver, behaves differently than all other devices in regards to status and the driver. I don't believe this is an issue with the driver, but I could be wrong there too! This is why I'm asking here. The RTI driver is completely agnostic to the device I'm attempting to control. 5) I know only enough to be dangerous in regards to the usage of REST... my intent was never to become an expert in REST, but rather to get a fully functioning RTI system, including OutletLincs. 6) The OutletLinc still doesn't update its status in RTI when turned on locally (this is the only thing I'm trying to address!!!) where every other device does so instantaneously. With that out of the way, shall we start from scratch? Thanks, Blaine
  11. In the interest of not confusing things, I'm isolating out just the ISY system behavior and removing the RTI system from the equation. I think things were getting a bit confusing, for me anyway. I did a fresh reboot of the ISY and brought up the event viewer in level 3. Once everything settles down, I can see the clock clicking off every second and nothing else. I issue the REST query mentioned previously and see nothing come up in the event viewer. Should I? Curiously, the second counter eventually stops... don't know if that's normal behavior or not. This is the behavior that lead me to an erroneous conclusion in my previous post. Thanks, Blaine
  12. I realize your last statement... I'm just venting. If it was mission critical, I'd go over there and post. As for the command I'm issuing, it's "". This is the address of the OutletLinc. I think this exercise caused me to stumble onto something. I'm using a 2-way driver (that I didn't develop) for an RTI remote control system. The driver sets up REST subscriptions for every device I've set up. I rebooted the ISY and I was seeing everything ticking away just fine in the event view, including the REST query. As soon as I fired off a command from the RTI system, everything stalled on the event viewer. The funny thing is, the subscriptions are clearly working for every device other than the OutletLinc. Nonetheless, something strange is going on because I'm not seeing anything reflected in the event viewer for any REST query/command that I issue, regardless of the device, once the RTI system is invoked. I'm not well versed in the event viewer, but this doesn't seem right.
  13. OK... good to know, but I'm not sure I understand the logic here. I'd actually like it better if the switch wasn't physically on the device. Knowing this, I would think that I should at least be able to query the status of the device accurately via REST to figure out what state it's in. I've tried switching the device locally and the query via REST doesn't reflect the state change. This does work with ApplianceLincs based on my experience.
  14. I'm curious as to why an OutletLinc (Insteon 2473) cannot be added as a controller to a scene. It's got a local button on the outlet that allows one to turn the switched outlet on and off. Because of this "feature", I'm unable to have it drive behavior elsewhere in the system. Because of the local switch on the device itself, I really don't see any difference between this and, say, a SwitchLinc. In my particular case, this is a coffee pot. If someone enables the coffee pot manually at the outlet, I want to be able to see that reflected via scenes and REST. --Blaine
  15. I realize that you're hesitant to add forecast information since it isn't guaranteed to be available for everyone. I've recently come up with a new requirement where I need to look at forecasts, in particular % chance of rain looking out 72 hours. As much as I'd love to use ISY for this, I'm forced to evaluate other Insteon-based solutions to meet this requirement. I'm not trying to sound threatening... I just really need this information for a general purpose solution that will potentially be sold commercially (read "lots of ISY sales"!). In short, count me in as someone who would love to see forecast information available, including odds of precipitation. I'm not even sure if this is available via WeatherBug... if not, I know it's available from other sources (NOAA, etc.). I'll have to look at WeatherBug more comprehensively to see what's available in the Los Angeles area at a minimum. Thanks, Blaine
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