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Everything posted by astar

  1. I upgraded from 5.2.0RC to 5.3.0 so I'm on the official version - 5.2.0 has been very solid for me - congratulations on this great accomplishment!
  2. When I click on Z-Wave version (5.2.0RC3) I see a total different popup.. (??)
  3. thanks for all the comments - I was finally able to add them, basically exclude them first (eg "Remove Z-wave device") and then add them. I used my ISY on a long ethernet couple to make sure it's within a couple feet of the locks in order to successfully do this. I'm a happy 5.2.0 user right now! Next step is building a new node server for Polyglot to support my pool chemicals
  4. I recall that from when I initially set them up years ago, but I don't see anything like that in 5.2.0? I've included screen shots to show all my available options...
  5. So after some initial issues with my upgrade from 4.7.3 to 5.1.0, I've updated to a 500 zwave board and upgrade to 5.2.0.. it's all working great and i'm running Polyglot on a RPi4 with 8 installed node servers! The only issue I have is with z-wave.. I only have 2 z-wave devices; two Schlage BE469NX locks (this is the older model as there is a newer zwave plus model) and I'm unable to add them to the ISY... What I've done so far: Factory reset the locks Factory reset z-wave dongle (it's running 6.81.0) Tried to add the locks - no luck, even held the ISY within 5 inches of the lock! Added a Aeotec AEZW189 Z-wave Plus Range Extender 7 - still unable to add the locks Held the ISY on it's side, up-side-down - you name it.. the lock won't add... Played with the numerous Z-Wave options - no luck This is what I do for my attempt to add the lock On the ISY select "Add a Z-Wave device" - this will prompt the Device Discovery pop-up saying it's listening for Z-Wave devices.. On the lock: Deadbolt is extended, press "Schlage" button, enter 6 digit programming code + "0" Any thoughts?
  6. you should 5.0.16C is RC1 (Release Candidate 1) and instead of 5.0.17 and 5.0.18 it seems they named it 5.1.0 and 5.2.0
  7. It's actually hanging on the wall - but the Z-wave ranger extender is like 1ft away from it - i was hoping this would solve have connectivity issues...
  8. I've just upgrade my 300 z-wave board to a 500. I only have 2 Schlage BE469NX locks but I'm unable to add them... I did place an Aeotec Range Extender 7 (ZW189) very close to the ISY and this one added without any problem to the ISY.. I'm running 5.2.0 (I upgrade from 5.1.0 and i'm not experiencing any of the issues that @thruster999 is experiencing - Polyglot is working fine) Both my locks are ~ 20 feet from the ISY/Range Extender. Any suggestions? Are they too far away? Locks too old? (I assume they are not ZW+ , but they worked with my 300 board)
  9. So I contacted support (wish all support was like this.. these guys are awesome.. they even replied over the weekend!) anyway, turned out I needed a PRO license as I maxed out of the number of support nodes (>= 254) .. there is currently no node count in the GUI and when I counted the nodes from the main page i did not have that many.. I have a feeling that Polyglot added a lot of (hidden?) nodes that all count towards that quota.. I'm guessing others will run into this when adding lots of Node Servers... anyway $30 well spent for a PRO license!
  10. I never installed 5.0.x, (went from 4.7.x to 5.1.0 RC2), so when i downgrade to 5.0.16, will my configuration from 5.1.0 be preserved?
  11. Last week I did bite the bullet and I upgraded from 4.7.3 to 5.1.0 and it has been nothing short of a disaster.. it all seems to work and than suddenly I'm not even able to add something as simple as adding a new folder or adding a new scene ("Request Failed"). I keep going back to a backup and than it works for a bit until I run into this situation again.. has anyone experienced this? Now I do have the 300 zwave board, but no devices.. can this be related? (I did realized the big disclaimer re the 300 zwave board.. after I upgraded) Can I downgrade to 5.0.16 from 5.10?
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