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Everything posted by WSommerfeld

  1. That did the trick. Thanks!
  2. I tried that one first - with RGBWSTRIP=6, the "Unrecognized bulb type" errors went away but the behavior didn't otherwise change (on/off worked; everything else I tried was ignored). With WWBULB=6 I saw expected behavior from level sets, all of the "set effects" I tried, set color temperature, brighten, and dim.
  3. I recently purchased a MagicHome-family RGBW LED strip controller (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QG7HCZG) and attempted to use it with the MagicHome node server (just started the 30 day free trial). "On" and "Off" worked but the other settings didn't work and I saw some "Unrecognized bulb type 6" errors. Poking at the rgbled.py script it appears that the type 6 I have behaves similarly to a type 68 (things started working better when I edited the script to change "WWBULB=6" instead of "WWBULB=68"; setting dim levels and colors work properly now). Any chance that support for this could be added to the official release?
  4. Yes. Thanks!
  5. Got mine just before Christmas and installed a few days after. Our GDO is a Chamberlain Elite 3595 Security+ 1.0 with a Liftmaster 889LM "MyQ" control panel installed a few years back which will talk to security+ 2.0 remotes. The ratgdo ended up being fussier about USB cables than I expected. The failure of the device to appear when plugged in sent me down a wild good chase installing third-party USB serial drivers on recent MacOS -- as best as I can tell, this does not help and actually can make things worse as it may prevent the real drivers from working. Once I found the right cable and had undone the damage from the driver installs all worked as documented. Paul Wieland's recommended installation method (zip tie through the slots in the light housing cover) didn't look like it would work well for my GDO (the slots would put the unit too close to the light bulb) so I 3d-printed this mounting plate: https://www.printables.com/model/647426-ratgdo-v25i-case-and-mount I'm still fiddling with configuration - would like to control the door and the light from an Insteon keypad, and have it trigger other lights to come on when opened after dark. One thing I found odd was that neither the Ratgdo nor the Ratgdo Light were able to be a scene controller; I'm dinking with programs to do the equivalent but haven't found anything that behaves quite like I want. Anyone have a config they really like?
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