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  1. For some reason when I click on Authenticate in PG3x it directs me to the wrong url. Instead of the auth_endpoint set in my OAuth Config, it send me to a URL that looks like the following. The Polyglot IP just being the ip I use for my eisy. https://<polyglot ip>:3000/undefined?response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://my.isy.io/api/cloudlink/redirect&client_id=undefined&state=64872c3813d796ee4f2888ac Here is my OAuth set in Node Server Management. I've also added the "oauth": true to the server.json file. { "name": "eWeLink", "client_id": "879120348723984723987", "client_secret": "917349823748343873", "auth_endpoint": "https://c2ccdn.coolkit.cc/oauth/index.html", "token_endpoint": "https://us-apia.coolkit.cc/v2/user/oauth/token", "cloudlink": true } Thanks, James
  2. @Jimbo.Automates thanks. I was looking at the older ISY dev guide.
  3. Feature Request (Add dBm Unit of Measure)
  4. Bob thanks! That was it. I had I_STATUS instead of I_STATE for the editor. I can't believe I been pulling my hair on this one that long. Thanks for the tip with the Java console. Had no idea you could see that info there. Regards, James
  5. The child node is not in the drop down at all, that's what's confusing. In my other node servers I see the child nodes in the dropdown like you said they don't display in a hierarchy but they are listed in the dropdown. However in this case the child node is nowhere to be found in the dropdown.
  6. I've created a new node server and installed the node server to IoX. As you can see it is a child node of the controller. Now when I go into programs and create a condition you cannot see the child node only the controller. Here is a shot of the Polyglot nodes I've try countless things to try and get this to work to no avail. Any ideas would help. Here is the code if you want to look. https://github.com/jamespauly/udi-ewelink-poly.git Thx
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