In my attempts to troubleshoot my loss of Alexa control, I opened the UD app on my phone, which reported that Izzy was not connected to the internet! So, I dug into the troubleshooting on the Wiki, and found a tip suggesting I take it off a static IP (which had worked for years), and set it back to DHCP. So, I did that, and that resulted in being unable to access it at all.
So, I manually rebooted it (ie, power cycled it), redownloaded a new Iox launcher (as suggested in the Wiki), and that finally got me back into the admin console. So far, so good. I then looked at the UD app on my phone, and the "no connection" message was gone, and I could control lights via the app. And, voice control via Alexa was again working. Yippee!
I have no idea which of my steps resulted in getting things back to normal, but I won't argue with sucess.
However..... I have a new question. When I go back into the Admin Console, click on Help / About, the About screen shows "Internet access: Disabled". I frankly don't know if it used to show this in the past, although I'm pretty sure that would have set of alarm bells in my head if I had seen "disabled". Also, clicking on File / Enable internet access results in an error message "Failed Enabling Internet Access". So, is this referring to some other aspect of internet access, and if so, what the heck is it?