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    Adirondack Mtns, Northern NY
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    Retired IT teacher

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  1. Thanks, oberkc. Tried that to no avail, but was worth a shot. Thanks
  2. Thanks for all the chatter regarding my question. In response to asbril's post, these Leviton switches were just recently purchased, and are labeled "ZWave Plus". Interesting to hear even older switches that once did respond to manual operation no longer do. That does seem to me like it could be a UD issue, and not the switches. I'm very new to the ISY, so have a recently purchased ISY994i with firmware v.5.3.0 and UI of Insteon_UD994 v.5.3.0. I did find a tip regarding writing a program to detect a Hail and then doing a query. That causes the ISY to now detect the status correctly (i.e. when the light is on by manual operation the ISY no longer shows "Off") but there still seems to be no way to determine if the switch was turned manually or by a program. Guess I'll need to wait to see if a firmware update from UD addresses this.
  3. A question from an ISY994i newbie: I have successfully added 2 Leviton DZ6HD dimmers to the ISY, and have renamed them ("Foyer lights" and "Hall lights"). When I select the switch (Foyer lights) on the Main tab of the Admin Console tab, the status is shown as Off. I can control the lights using the buttons along the bottom of the device's status screen, so I know the ISY can control the switch, and when I do the Status reflects the switch's status (no longer shows Off). BUT, if I manually turn the light on by pressing the switch button, the Status display doesn't change. If the switch is turned on via a program (then statement: "Set 'Z-wave devices/Switches/First floor/Foyer lights' On) the light turns on AND the Status display shows the light is now on. To put it another way, manual switch button presses don't seem to be reported to the ISY. The ISY doesn't "know" if the light is on or off. I'd like to be able to have a program detect if the light has been turned on manually (i.e. not by another program) but see no way to do that if the ISY can't tell what the status is. Hope this makes sense, and hope someone can shed some light on this for me. Thanks
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