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Bob Amott

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Community Answers

  1. I'm sorry. I have never used SSH, and I don't know where to start with that. I can now open Lox Finder, but it's not finding it. I tried several ways, including using the local address as it looks like my router still has the original address. When entering Where is the local address Iox returns "Not Found. So, how do I start a ticket?
  2. It's been a long time since I've had any problems with Eisy on my Macs and other devices so I have forgotten everything including knowing what color the unit light is when on... Blue or Red. Anyway, I started to update Eisy and I believe I interrupted the update by mistake. I tried rebooting and also tried to find it on the network without any luck. I tried connecting to it in different ways, one of which was https://eisy.local:8443/desc and tried using the IP address of it also without luck. I also cleared my Java, reinstalled Start etc. Still not there. I have backups. I also checked to make sure my browser has local network permissions. Please!! what have I missed... even if there is a way to start from scratch and use my backups? Other things tried: Turned off VPN, also on one of my Macs Apple message returned saying it can't open START because it can't determine if it is free of malware etc. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
  4. Please see the attachment... I can click on either one to open and the program appears to run just fine. Also, if I make any changes it is seen in both. Note: Both UUIDs are identical. The top one's URL is https:eisy.local:XXXX/desc. The bottom one is https://192.168.XX.XX:XXXX/desc Thanks....
  5. Thanks, I will start with your recommendations. Looks like both of my devices mentioned have node servers. I will get those added and look for the next steps in the documentation you suggested.
  6. Question: Where might I find a resourse on getting started with Ployglot and other non insteon devices that I would like to integrate into my UD system. For example, I have a Somfy Shade and Monitor Light Bar Color+ light. Thanks
  7. "Somfy’s been there forever" This is from a UD Post. It caught my attention as I do have an automated Somfy automated shade. I also recently updated to the Eisy with the USB Z wave/Matter dongle and Polygot 3 is active. So I'm interested to play but I don't have a clue as where to start. A little push in the right direction would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  8. I am grateful for all the input. Goose66 & Geddy provided very helpful details of what was needed to understand and be considered in the programing to reach my specific objective. Input from others was also much appreciated and I have used those approaches in a couple of other new programs that use the Insteon Motion II detectors in a way that don't need a program to execute leaving the sensors to take on actions after triggering, such as waiting for X amount of time before turning off. So again thanks to all of you for your thoughtful responses.
  9. SUNSET CAME AND ALL HAS RESPONDED CORRECTLY TO THE INTENDED OUTCOMES. Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge. I’ve been able to use all your input, if not on obtaining the ultimate desired result of this program then also applying your input to enhance other programs. Again many thanks!
  10. All wonderful input to learn from. I understand one advantage to this approach is there is little delay. Correct?
  11. Goose66 & Geddy, Thanks for the info! I actually started to go down the path of two programs for each time period but I didn't get them quite right. The description of the effects of my programs posted here were correct and allows me more insight into the IoX. Over the years as a novice, I have programed some interesting interactions between devices and scenes but this one just totally stumped me. I will integrate your input and see what happens this evening.
  12. As I replied, the timeout is not critical. So I infer you are saying I should write programs that control the scenes by time day(/night) and let the sensor deal with the triggering the resulting scenes. I did not think of being able to modify a scene in the background and then calling on that modified scene having been preset to levels. I will experiment with that also.
  13. Thanks, I’ll give it a try.
  14. The actual timeouts are not the issue. They actually work. The problem is that the scenes are not being called in relation to the time parameters stated in the “If” statement.
  15. Could use a great deal of help on this one. Thanks!! Question: is there a way to program the following scenario? On a stairway there are two Insteon Motion II detectors. One is at the Entry (at the base stairs) and the other is at the top of the stairs ((Hall-Up). There are three lights in the mix. Bottom of stairs (Entry), Middle of stairs and top in Hall at the top of the stairs. Other switches in the mix include: Entry Switch - Keypad (Insteon KeyPadLinc 5 button switch) at hallway next to the front door, bottom of stairs using Main Off and On buttons. Upper Hall Switch for ENTRY switch (ToggleLinc Dimmer) at top of stairs multi linked to the KeyPadLinc at the bottom of stairs Middle Stairs (Insteon InLineLinc Dimmer) Upper Hall Switch (ToggleLinc Dimmer) (Used to trigger Multi Link Scene which includes A lower Switch for the upper Hall light and a lower switch for the upper hall) The outcome to be desired is if either of the sensors sense motion then that motion triggers one of the two scenes reverent to the time of day. Results : I’ve tried several variations of the following programs with all work perfectly when tested within the program “Run (if), Run Then. The results when running the program pretty much ignore the time parameters. Once in awhile it might work but most of the time it runs through the night program and then the Day program and at night ends up on all lights on. My attempt, which I tried several variations: Created two 2 scenes: Day Lights & Night Lights. Daylight: Devices include: All the devices above at 100% Night Lights: Middle stairs only at 33% ProgramContent for “Hall Day If ‘Hallways / Hall-Up Sensor / Hall-Up.1 Motion’ is switched On Or ‘Hallways / Hall Entry Sensor / Entry.1 Motion’ is switched On and From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) Then Set ‘Hallways / Hall Lights Day’ on Wait 35 seconds Set ‘Hallways / Hall Lights Day’ off Else -No Actions Program Content for ‘Hall Night’ If ‘Hallways / Hall-Up Sensor / Hall-Up.1 Motion’ is switched On Or ‘Hallways / Hall Entry Sensor / Entry.1 Motion’ is switched On and From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set ‘Hallways / ‘Hall Night Lights’ on wait 20 seconds Set ‘Hallways / Hall Night Lights’ off Else -No Actions
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