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  1. Oh without a doubt on the Beta version. However I wish I had dove into the form to see what pitfalls I may experience prior to setting everything up. The update to 5.5.3 appears to have fixed things. I wanted to use it for a week or so and see how it's been. The only issue I've had is nodes missing on a ZEN16 module and it seems that some of the configuration parameters won't push to certain devices.
  2. Strangest thing. Moving some ZWave devices to Eisy and what should be three On-Off Power Switches showing as Binary Switches. Only one On-Off Power Switch is listed. This was an issue some time ago with the 994 but I did not have this issue myself until the leap to Eisy. We are running: Firmware: IoX v.5.5.3 UI: IoX v.5.5.3
  3. @DavidV Thankfully I was not too far down the rabbit hole that I just powered up my trusty 994 and things are back to normal. I will just wait for an update that shows the issue resolved.
  4. It appears the wise thing to do was to wait. I started in not know there was an issue with the zwave migration. As it's been said, my eisy is stuck in a busy loop and nothing seems to work because of this. Is there any work around so at least the Insteon part of my home will work?
  5. Correct me if I am wrong but I recall a subject on building automatic reports that would capture trend charts and email them when a condition/schedule was met. Does anyone else recall this or am I way out in the weeds with this? Also, is there a way to schedule a report via email for a device? I have a heat trace for my gutters and the Z-Wave module that controls it has an energy meter. It would be really nice to track that kWh information without logging logging into my 994i PRO to obtain it.โšกโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’ธ
  6. I suppose the more modern version of this would be the 4232CBM ๐Ÿคฃ
  7. I have been looking over upgrading my Vista 20P to an ELK M1Gold. But this comes at a cost as we all know. I would greatly enjoy the interface that exists between ELK and ISY. However, again, there is that price to change from one to the other. Has anyone ever had success in using a Honeywell 4100SM to communicate with an ISY994? I understand I would have to upgrade my Honeywell panel in order to accommodate the 4100SM but that is a fraction of the cost of a brand-new ELK system. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Well so far so good today. I managed to change around some rules that I did not like. Not once did I have any access issues. I tried using IP Reservation and that turned into a circus of having to factory default my router. We will let things ride and see how it goes from here. I sincerely appreciate the pointers. I will frequently check the logs and see what comes to the surface! Again, thank you!
  9. Thank you for the reply. The ethernet wiring is secure. The Power light is on bright and steady with the occasional pulsing of the Rx and Tx indicators. The ISY994 was purchased in December of 2019. The ISY portal license is active and expires in December of 2023. No apparent mismatch between the FW/UI. Strange thing is yet again it let me log in without an issue later tonight. Thank you.
  10. Looks like it was simple as updating Java and nothing more. Everything is right back to working as intended. Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜ Well, or so I thought. Earlier in the day things were working and now they are not. There is a mixed bag of error codes in the log: -5012 -140000 -5013 -5010 -140005 -170001 There is a great deal of -140000 and -170001 errors almost less than one minute apart
  11. Good morning, all! Has anyone had issues with the Admin Console freezing at login? The ambler flag is displayed showing "busy" and the fields for the username and password cannot even be populated as the program itself is frozen. This happens in any attempt to login be it through LAN or Cloud. However, the ISY is running as it always does and most of the time UD Mobile works just fine as well. I have not updated anything at all. It was working one day and the next it was not. Looking for some pointers please. Currently running Java Version 8 Update 321 (build 1.8.0_321-b07) Thank you.
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