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Community Answers

  1. This is still on the to-do list, but the steps were daunting (and potentially expensive) and I had other lower-hanging fruit to go for. If anyone wants to use in the meantime, I encourage you to setup your own Google Developer account and Google Device Access project to use. The instructions in the plugin release notes are detailed and refined.
  2. It’s deja vu all over again! 🤪
  3. You should be able to wire the ratgdo to use the discreet open and close terminals on the gate controller. There is a diagram on the ratgdo wiring page here: https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/03_wiring.html. However, as Guy Lavoie said, monitoring open and close status probably won't work, unless you have the expansion board and use the aux relays or you install separate open and close limit switches (e.g., microswitches or reed switches).
  4. Nodes from plugins should be deleted in the PG3 Dashboard, not from IoX Admin Console. The node list is stored in the PG3 database and most plugins recreate all of the nodes from these database entries when they restart. If you delete a node from the IoX Admin Console, it will just get recreated when you restart the plugin. Deleting it from PG3 deletes it from IoX as well. This is a known limitation in the PG3 system. Once PG3 is absorbed into IoX (v6?), this should be cleaned up.
  5. @Javi Is there a workaround for the missing scroll bar here? Edit: sorry, that should have been for Chris Jahn. Don’t know his handle.
  6. I guess I wasn’t appreciating that there was no scroll bar for the window. Yes, that is a serious UI issue. Very surprised it has gone this long without being fixed. Also a little surprised that the Java UI libraries don’t just automatically handle it. Could it be as simple as a flag in the window creation code? If we could just get Admin Console moved to a web-based UI… maybe IoX 6?
  7. This is one of those "You can’t please all of the people all of the time" sort of things, I think. For those that want the runtimes, then there's no way to make it optional, I'm afraid. But I am surprised that you use the Admin Console for day to day management of your thermostats. The Admin Console is really designed for ... you know ... admin. Try UD Mobile. This should provide a better interface for making day-to-day settings on your thermostat.
  8. Got it. Follow the instructions to the letter - particularly in the listed order. Good luck in the storm and keep your head down!
  9. As Geddy posted, there’s currently a user limit on the Google side because UD’s Device Access project is still in “Commercial Testing” status. This process is not well documented (at least not publicly) so we were unaware. Looks like you may have been user # 11. We can do one of two things: 1) help you set up your own Google Device Access project in a personal sandbox (instructions in the Instructions and Release Notes) or 2) look into getting a refund for your purchase.
  10. Also, remember that you can use the Nest SDM plugin with your own personal Device Access project created in a private Google Developer Sandbox. Instructions for that are in the Instructions and Release notes.
  11. The UD Google Nest Device Access is stuck in "Commercial Testing" status until a number of authentication and API tests can be completed and verified. Until all this can be done, we are limited to 10 users, which we hit several weeks ago. Accordingly, I have taken the Nest Plugin off the Plugin Store List (marked "Inactive"). If and when the various battery of tests are completed, we can move it into the next phase of "testing" (not production yet), requiring even more rounds of verification testing, including a paid 3rd party security audit, evidently. But we should get a higher user limit at that time.
  12. I'm getting that too when I try to reauthenticate. However, the API access and push events all continue to work on the previously obtained tokens. So I think it has something to do with our OAuth Authentication process to the Google Device Access project. None of the settings have change, so I have asked @Michel Kohanim to review the status of the project. Unfortunately, Google never fully integrated Nest Device Access into their Google Cloud Platform, so status of Device Access project is in a different environment that only he has access to. It was done that way for good reasons - just inconvenient sometimes.
  13. Everything from our end shows still active. I would suggest trying to Authenticate again. If the problem is still happening, I can uninstall and reinstall my production version of the plugin and see what I get.
  14. What type of firmware you running? MQTT or ESPHome?
  15. Goose66


    Working on a Shelly plugin.
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