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  1. You're welcome! I found it on the bottom of the github page here: https://github.com/stmrocket/ha-smartmetertexas I'm not sure where they got that guidance. It may have a different ruleset though as they don't mention applying for special API access as part of the process, so maybe there is a lower level access which is much more limited in quantity but doesn't require static IPs etc. It does look like they credit another original project in their readme and that project is here: https://github.com/keatontaylor/smartmetertexas-api and that mentions the same API document you linked to: https://github.com/keatontaylor/smartmetertexas-api/issues/
  2. Also I do see some folks successfully using it here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/texas-residents-access-your-smart-meter-texas-readings-with-node-red-and-mqtt/196271 It utilizes this: https://github.com/stmrocket/ha-smartmetertexas and this comments: Usage: The Node-Red flow will request a meter read at 30 minute intervals since the last successful read. It will then request the results of the meter read every 30 seconds until they are available. The current meter reading is reported over MQTT with the topic smt/reading. Note that the API limits each ESIID to two reads per hour and 24 reads per day. The limit is based on the time when the reading is successfully retrieved from the meter. Increasing the frequency of reads will result in an error until the hour or day resets (depending on the error).
  3. I'm a bit confused on this API overall. I did email them a few months ago and they basically said I needed to fill out an application to request API access, but a recent post I found seemed to think connecting to this API and pulling data twice per minute was possible and they didn't mention requesting specific API access. Here was the SMT note to me from back in July 2020:
  4. So I have some good results to report. I emailed Oncor on 2/22 to help me get my previously working HAN device working (Rainforest Eagle). They took a couple weeks to respond, but on Mar 5th an Oncor HAN Technician named Phillip did respond that he reprovisioned the device (that had previously worked over a year ago) and asked me to check as he saw it appeared to be connected again. Now my biggest issue is the risk of how much time to invest (In setting up a database to log the data and trigger actions based on the real-time usage) in this given that if my 6 year old device dies and I need to replace it, will they even be willing to do that? It seems like they absolutely have the ability to do so, but I'm not sure they would be willing to based on those other recent posts regarding the limitation for new customers/devices. I would hope I would at least be grandfathered in for my home rather than only on that device. It really is sad that they are pushing to get away from the real-time monitoring. Your points regarding the recent issues with the storm and the high bills is a good one and I do think now is the time to push for HAN devices to be supported to allow for better real-time monitoring.
  5. Hello, such an interesting thread! I purchased a Rainforest Eagle device back in 2015 and user SMT to get it provisioned and working properly, but there were a few instances where it stopped connecting to the meter and as you noted, they were quite lacking in their ability to troubleshoot and eventually I just gave up. I have solar though, and over the years power service providers started new policies which limited access to good time of use plans such as free nights for those who wanted to get paid for the solar power they send back to the grid. So ideally I would prefer to know if I'm currently under-utilizing my my solar power generation and take advantage of that with live data. I looked into the API connection that you discussed, and overall it seems beneficial but does have limits on queries allowing 2 reads per hour and no more than 24 in a day, but live readings are much more useful for me. So I'm trying to get my HAN device working again and I have a couple questions. 1) Can you please confirm your device previously registered, still works? 2) Have you needed any support from oncor? I've just tried emailing Oncor support HANsupport@oncor.com to see if they can help and I was wondering if anyone has tried contacting them yet? Since my device hasn't connected successfully for likely 1.5 years, I'm afraid they will tell me I'm out of luck and they won't help. 3) Has anything changed in regards to this requirement that they support HAN devices that you mentioned in the PUC ruling? I was never aware of this but obviously their lack of support for new devices goes against this, so are they just openly not complying or did that change somehow in a future ruling? Thanks so much, the discussion was extremely beneficial and is appreciated!
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