Hello, such an interesting thread!
I purchased a Rainforest Eagle device back in 2015 and user SMT to get it provisioned and working properly, but there were a few instances where it stopped connecting to the meter and as you noted, they were quite lacking in their ability to troubleshoot and eventually I just gave up.
I have solar though, and over the years power service providers started new policies which limited access to good time of use plans such as free nights for those who wanted to get paid for the solar power they send back to the grid. So ideally I would prefer to know if I'm currently under-utilizing my my solar power generation and take advantage of that with live data.
I looked into the API connection that you discussed, and overall it seems beneficial but does have limits on queries allowing 2 reads per hour and no more than 24 in a day, but live readings are much more useful for me.
So I'm trying to get my HAN device working again and I have a couple questions.
1) Can you please confirm your device previously registered, still works?
2) Have you needed any support from oncor? I've just tried emailing Oncor support HANsupport@oncor.com to see if they can help and I was wondering if anyone has tried contacting them yet? Since my device hasn't connected successfully for likely 1.5 years, I'm afraid they will tell me I'm out of luck and they won't help.
3) Has anything changed in regards to this requirement that they support HAN devices that you mentioned in the PUC ruling? I was never aware of this but obviously their lack of support for new devices goes against this, so are they just openly not complying or did that change somehow in a future ruling?
Thanks so much, the discussion was extremely beneficial and is appreciated!