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  1. thank you very much, i will give that a try. Hopefully future revisions restore the functionality. I was hoping the 500 dongle and new FW would add more functionality instead.
  2. Hi All, I've had an ISY994izw/IR Pro since 2015, with 3 yale real living z-wave pushbutton deadbolts in my network. I had multiple programs set up for various notifications. I recently (past month or so) upgraded from the 300 z-wave module and earlier 5.0.16 FW. I now have the 500 series zwave board (6.82.01 ver) and 5.3.0 FW. It seems I've lost nearly all functionality and cannot figure out how to restore things. Previously i had significantly more options and functionality from these locks. For example, when away from home I had programs to notify me if the locks were Key unlocked, keypad unlocked, inside knob unlocked, keypad timeout, code entry limit exceeded, escutcheon tampered with or removed, and more. I would receive notifications based on various events or specific notifications from the locks. I also had programs set to check whether the doors were locked or unlocked at certain times, and then lock them if needed. Currently the only option i have to receive a notification when there is an action at the lock is to put IF (status) ZW Lock (responding) is true, THEN..... whereas I used to have the greater functionality. Furthermore, that doesn't even work, the locks' responses aren't captured by the ISY anymore, so i don't receive any notifications. Because the status isn't reliably recorded, the program i have for the ISY to check if a lock status is "unlocked" doesn't function properly either. Before upgrading i performed full backup of the old dongle and restore to the new one. I tried excluding one of the locks and re-adding it to the network from scratch, but no change. Is there something i'm doing wrong or is there any other way to restore the old functionality and options I had? Or is the only option to revert to earlier HW and FW? Thank you, Keith
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