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  1. Can the 5.x.x firmware be run with the ISY having no Internet access? Or is it dependent on the portal?
  2. I wanted to be able to reboot my ISY programmatically from my Home Assistant if needed and found it wasn't immediately obvious how to do this, so I took a minute and parsed out the commands into a simple script. Modify accordingly if you need ssl, etc. Note: This has only been tested on 4.9.0. YMMV. IANAL. XYZPDQ. WTFBBQ. #!/bin/bash HOST="" USER="admin" PASS="admin" /usr/bin/curl -v -u "$USER:$PASS" -H 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"' -H 'SOAPACTION:"urn:udi-com:service:X_Insteon_Lighting_Service:1#Reboot"' --data '<s:Envelope><s:Body><u:Reboot xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Insteon_Lighting_Service:1"></u:Reboot></s:Body></s:Envelope>' http://$HOST/services
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