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  1. I am trying to create an "Insteon compatible motion light" out of 1) an Insteon On/Off 2442-222 module and 2) a RAB STL360 motion light The motion sensor output goes to 110V when motion is detected and back to 0V after a delay of a few seconds (its settable in the motion sensor, I've set it to the minimum). I've connected the sensor output to the On/Off module "sense wire" (the yellow one; the purple one is not connected to anything). The light is connected to the line output of the On/Off module. I would like motion to turn on the light, and the ISY to turn off the light after a delay that depends on the time of day. Questions: 1) How do I configure "options" in the ISY dialog for the On/Off module? After much trying I've checked "Program Lock" (not sure what it does) and "Dual Line: (Off) Single Line". All other boxes are unchecked. Does anyone have experience with this and can confirm this to be the right setting? 2) What do I put in the If statement of an ISY program for the Then pass to run when motion is detected? Since I'm looking for an event, I tried "Control ... is switched on", but got this working only with "Status ... is on". The Then body has a wait for a few minutes and then sets the light off. Again, is this the way to do this? Bernhard
  2. Hi MikeD, FYI: ${sys.node.#.name} works as expected for z-wave devices (also with ST or BATLVL instead of name). I wonder are there other selectors (in addition to BATLVL) that can be used? E.g. the number of the user who operated the lock with the keypad would be useful.
  3. Hi MikeD, I tried that an now does exactly this, even the addr. Puzzled what I did wrong before. (I am glad nobody can see my red face ). But with this success I have new ambitions. I've set up a few notifications that report lock issues. Right now I am setting up an email sent when the deadbolt of a lock (Yale) is jammed. I have 3 locks. Presumably I can create 3 different custom notifications, one for each lock. Better - the instructions imply the possibility of using "wild cards" - will the following work? ISY program If Control 'Upstairs Hall / Lock Upstairs (ZW 10)' is switched Deadbolt Jammed Or Control 'Downstairs / Lock Downstairs (ZW 12)' is switched Deadbolt Jammed Or Control 'Guest House / Lock Guesthouse (ZW 13)' is switched Deadbolt Jammed Then Send Notification to 'Boser' content 'Lock Jam' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') and Notification "Lock Jam" The reason I am asking is that the locks are not jammed right now (fortunately) and it's not obvious to test. Thanks, Bernhard
  4. Hi Michel, The Wiki instructions show expressions of the form ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.addr}. Since I'm not sure what it's supposed to do (I also do not know what e.g. alert does and many of the other expressions generated by the gui and did not find the documentation), I put one of these expressions into a custom notification to try it out. After many experiments, if I have found that if one of these expressions is in a notification, the notification is silently ignored, i.e. no email is sent and no error message issued (at least I could not find one). If I replace "addr" with "ST", I get the status of the module (on or off). Bernhard P.S. A success story ... I successfully transferred my z-wave network from a Vera to the ISY. Everything works fine, including status updates from Yale locks (contrary to what some are experiencing, judging from messages on the forum). Enrolling was much easier than with the Vera and I now even have access to one lock that was unreachable before. Now I have to finally learn how to "program" the ISY.
  5. After trying a few more combinations I found that the "name" or "addr" requests do not work. The following custom notification behaves as expected (is this what you mean with "customization tab"?): Battery Level Upstairs = ${sys.node.ZW010_1.BATLVL} Downstairs = ${sys.node.ZW012_1.BATLVL} Guesthouse = ${sys.node.ZW013_1.BATLVL} Hall Light Status (ST) = ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.ST} ON Level (OL) = ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.OL} Staircase Light Status (ST) = ${sys.node.1B 8C E6 1.ST} ON Level (OL) = ${sys.node.1B 8C E6 1.OL} Guesthouse Ceiling Light Status (ST) = ${sys.node.1B 62 4F 1.ST} ON Level (OL) = ${sys.node.1B 62 4F 1.OL} Living Room Light Status (ST) = ${sys.node.1B DC 86 1.ST} ON Level (OL) = ${sys.node.1B DC 86 1.OL} Master Bedroom Light Status (ST) = ${sys.node.ZW008_1.ST} ON Level (OL) = ${sys.node.ZW008_1.OL} Email received: Battery Level Upstairs = 58% Downstairs = 73% Guesthouse = 70% Hall Light Status (ST) = Off ON Level (OL) = 100% Staircase Light Status (ST) = Off ON Level (OL) = 100% Guesthouse Ceiling Light Status (ST) = Off ON Level (OL) = 100% Living Room Light Status (ST) = On ON Level (OL) = 100% Master Bedroom Light Status (ST) = On ON Level (OL) =
  6. F5. Sorry for the typo. Not the problem, unfortunately.
  7. Like this? sys.node.E F5 1C 1.ST = ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.ST} sys.node.E F5 1C 1.OL = ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.OL} sys.node.E F5 1C 1.name = ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.name} sys.node.E F5 1C 1.addr = ${sys.node.E F5 1C 1.addr} I'd tried this already: then I do not even get an email (nor error message). In the same program I also call another custom notification that just sends a hello. That message is sent, just the one above (which I care about) is silently ignored. P.S. I'd seen viewtopic.php?f=68&t=14346&p=112009 before and tried all combinations (with and without leading zeros, with and without trailing 1) to no avail. I've also verified that 0E.5F.1C (apparently the ISY reports it in a different format than the one it expects it in when included in a message) is indeed the correct address. The name of the device is "Hall.Light.Hall Light" and it's in a folder called "Upstairs Hall" - perhaps the ISY does not like periods in the name or??? Thanks for your suggestions - unfortunately still not working.
  8. Unfortunately this does not fix the problem. Notification email without leading 0: sys.node.E F5 1C.ST = node[E F5 1C] sys.node.E F5 1C.OL = node[E F5 1C] sys.node.E F5 1C.name = node[E F5 1C] sys.node.E F5 1C.addr = node[E F5 1C]
  9. Iv'e created the following custom notification: sys.node.0E F5 1C.ST = ${sys.node.0E F5 1C.ST} sys.node.0E F5 1C.OL = ${sys.node.0E F5 1C.OL} sys.node.0E F5 1C.name = ${sys.node.0E F5 1C.name} sys.node.0E F5 1C.addr = ${sys.node.0E F5 1C.addr} where 0E F5 1C is a SwitchLinc Dimmer and use it in a program as follows: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send Notification to 'Boser' content 'Status5' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Run (Then) sends me an email: sys.node.0E F5 1C.ST = node[0E F5 1C] sys.node.0E F5 1C.OL = node[0E F5 1C] sys.node.0E F5 1C.name = node[0E F5 1C] sys.node.0E F5 1C.addr = node[0E F5 1C] I'd have expected a report of the status and on level of the module, but apparently no such luck. How can I use custom notifications to get this type of information? Thanks! P.S. sys.node.ZW010_1.BATLVL = ${sys.node.ZW010_1.BATLVL} sends the battery level (e.g. 61%), as expected.
  10. Thanks! Your feedback prompted me to uninstall and reinstall the dimmer switch, it came back as version 35 and works reliably! I do have a phase coupler installed and my software version is 3.3.10 on an ISY 99i PRO.
  11. I've created a scene with a 2476DH SwitchLinc Dimmer v.00 2486D KeypadLinc Dimmer v.2D From the ISY console I can Turn the scene on (both devices turn on) Turn the light on and off (by controlling the light, not the scene) If I turn off the scene, the light does usually not turn off (sometimes it does turn off), although the ISY reports it as off. I do not get communication errors, and the light seems to be working fine (just not when being turned off as part of the scene). I've added a program that queries the state of the SwitchLinc whenever it is turned off. Now when turning off the scene the ISY console briefly shows the light as off, but then it right away turns back on! Unfortunately turning it off programmatically does not actually turn it off, even when I turn of the light (rather than the scene) - which is working from the ISY console. Go figure. Anybody observed this behavior? How can I debug it?
  12. boser


    I'm using the following code to automatically turn off a light after a set period: If Control 'Downstairs / Stair.Light' is switched On Or Control 'Downstairs / Stair.KP.Down Garden Lights / Stair.KP.A.Staircase Light' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Downstairs / Scene:Staircase Light' Fast On Wait 2 minutes Set Scene 'Downstairs / Scene:Staircase Light' Fade Down Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Questions: - Is this code correct? - Occasionally the light does not turn off. Aside from the two controls in the if clause, there are no other buttons to turn on the light. I've also checked the error log - it does not show any communication errors (only entries are DHCP renewals). Any ideas for getting this to work reliably? - Is there a way to print a message from the program to the log (or other file)? This could be very handy for debugging. In fact, how does one debug these programs? Many thanks, Bernhard
  13. boser

    3-Way Circuit

    Thanks!!! The factory reset solved the problem. All working now. Bernhard
  14. boser

    3-Way Circuit

    I agree. You said your leds moved when you hit the button. The deal with the tact switch is that it doesn't register the button press at all. So if the leds moved, then the switch circuitry received the message that you pushed the button and thus the tact switch worked. But frankly, if you have a switch of that vintage (I have the actaul versions written down somewhere), you will have the tact switch problem sooner or later. And it doesn't need to be consistent. I had switches that would quit working for a few days, then start working, then work every other time, then work if a wacked it, then work normal again for a while, then not work. . . and so on. I've removed and recreated the scene - same problem as before. The non-working switch is a 2476D v.27. I'm glad to hear that the newer models are more robust, and will buy a new one if Smarthome won't replace it (I also had two that completely failed). Hopefully they are now robust, just like mechanical switches. Many thanks for all the recommendations. With Insteon it's sometimes difficult to determine if the problem is with the hardware or the configuration. Bernhard
  15. I'm getting an Error dialog Could not open config file to write [/CONF/28.UND] when trying to add an X10 light switch to a scene (I have the X10 add-on for the isy). Is it not possible to add X10 devices to scenes or is the problem elsewhere (or both)? Thanks, Bernhard
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