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Everything posted by Pras

  1. Hey, I was able to follow the updated steps. But i don't see any accessories on my Homebridge UI accessories link. In the log i see the communcation with my ISY, but nothing on accessories, adn nothing on APple home screen.
  2. how do i restore a scene? when i right click on a scene there is no way to restore
  3. Anyone can help? Its very weird that all the devices from scene is gone
  4. Oh i see what the problem is ! Your post below helped a lot. When i click on the scene name i dont see any devices on the bottom part of the scene. But when i click on red controller link, i see all the devices. I dont know what happened why all the devices disappeared. I removed and added the devices back to scene and all works. But now the problem is i have tons of these. Is there a quick way to add ? I will post screen shot of a simple scene on what might be the problem. Scene: Time to Cook When i click on the scene name, notice the bottom part is empty! Now if i click on the red controller link on the left hand navigation bar, it shows all the devices: What could be going on? Without doing 100 scenes and removing 100s of items off and back on, is there a quick way?
  5. I have a very simple scene called ALL-MASTER BEDROOM. In that scene, i have 2 lights added as responders. And i have 1 keypad control button added as controller. If i press the keypad button, both lights come on. If i press it again, both light turns off.. Beautiful. The problem is if i go to Admin Console and click on that scene ON, nothing happens besides just turning on the Keypad button. None of the other ligths go on. And same behavior for OFF as well.. If i press "FAST ON" or "FAST OFF", the status shows all ON and all OFF respectively but lights dont turn on or off. What am i doing wrong.
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