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  1. Regarding other people's comments, you are right, my mistake.
  2. @Michel KohanimWould love to help spread the word on this product. Not familiar with Polisy but ISY994i is amazing! Regarding Z-Wave 500, does this contain an extended appliance database? I tried to "include" a Danfoss Living Connect Z TRV and at some stage it stopped complaining about unknown manufacturer specific info (or something along these lines)
  3. @Michel Kohanim Yes, I do remember and I was right not to follow your advice as I managed to convert an Insteon hub to act as EU compliant PLM and I managed to have the wave chip changed with that of a EU compliant chip, so I was able to use your wonderful product without any problems for several years. In fact I have done this for two homes in Europe with no problems. In fact, I am not complaining that you do not make a European compliant z-wave board, this is expected. I am complaining about the fact that the latest firmware renders existing hardware obsolete and I was, merely, asking what is the reason for this?
  4. I think some of you are missing the point... Yes, I have seen old iPads not be supported by new software and, yes, technology does change. What I have not seen though is a software upgrade which renders the hardware obsolete... If the h/w cannot keep up with the times, then you upgrade the h/w. But making software upgrades which render h/w unusable is a first.
  5. I do not use z-wave much, in fact I was only using 2-3 z-wave switches as opposed to 50 Insteon modules. However, as z-wave seem to have many more appliances (e.g. TRV switches), I am hoping to be using more of those. So I bought a Danfoss TRV in the hope I could try it out and find that my "Z-wave donge is not responding". After a bit of research I believe that I must have a Z-Wave 300 board. I am based in Europe and when I had got my ISY I had to change the Z-Wave chip in order to support the European Z-Wave frequencies. Now I have to go through the whole process of buying a new board, a new chip etc. just because of a software update? Something is wrong here...
  6. Tassos

    Radiator Control

    Hi, has anyone ever managed to integrate Thermostat Radiator Valve (TRV) control with the ISY? Thanks, Tassos
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