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  1. *update* I noticed yesterday my MobilLinc Pro app on my Android phone was not connecting to my devices. This morning, I can see the status of all devices, I can remotely turn on/off devices, all seems to work. Then I logged on my laptop, I opened the IoX finder and I can see the ISY994 module connected!! looks like all is working again. I can logon to the ADMIN console. Thanks all.
  2. My previous laptop crashed; I am on a new HP laptop running Windows 11. I installed the IoX Finder & JAVA. Now when the finder opens it doesn't find any ISY module, so I need to ADD one. It prompts me for a URL. I entered the http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx that I get from my Xfinity gateway. The Xfinity gateway finds the ISY994 module, it shows connected, the MAC and IP address are there. When I try to ADD my device the IoX finder responds with NOT FOUND then both the MEMORY and ERROR Leds are flashing. I can reset the module by unplugging the power for a few seconds. I also disabled my AVG antivirus. Need help. thanks!
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