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  1. Per recommendation from my support ticket, I upgraded from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3, and that seems to have resolved my issue with the Z-Wave restore.
  2. Yes, I have already submitted a ticket to UDI. I was just hoping that maybe somebody in the forum has had the same problem and might help. Otherwise I don't expect any resolution from the support ticket until early next week at the earliest.
  3. Z-Wave version is showing as 6.82.01. When I attempt a z-wave restore, I get a popup with this message: "Z-Wave Restore Failed" "The Z-Wave dongle has not been restored."
  4. I did update to the 5.3.0 version of the UI before upgrading the firmware to 5.3.0. When you say don't do a restore, are you referring to the z-wave restore or the ISY restore?
  5. Yes, I cleared the Java cache both before beginning the upgrade, and then also immediately after installing 5.3.0, just before attempting to restore the Z-wave dongle.
  6. I've upgraded the Z-Wave 300 module to the 500 module. Also went form firmware version 4.9.0 to version 5.3.0. Before the upgrade I did a full Z-Wave backup. After the upgrade, all of my Z-Wave nodes are missing, only the Insteon and X-!0 nodes are still present. Selecting the option to restore the Z-Wave dongle from the admin menu fails. What should I do? Do I need to re-include every one of my 25 or so Z-Wave modules? If I restore the ISY backup that I made before the upgrade, will that bring in the missing modules, or would that cause more problems? The ISY backup was made on version 4.9.0. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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