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  1. I am have issues migrating to PG3x on Polisy. I followed the instructions in the upgrade document and the WiKi page. When I type Enable PG3x: https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable (I have to use my local IP) I get: I have rebooted a couple of time and upgraded the Policy to 5.8.0 by using the Upgrade Packages in the System Tab. I rebooted a couple of times after the upgrade. Looking for some pointers
  2. @AthlonThanks. I love your annoying little bug! Thought is was real and tried to squash it.
  3. Polisy Ver 5.7. Today I receive a message that Polisy is offline. I blew it off, didn't think anything was wrong. However it really was off line. Nothing worked, I tried to log in to the admin console and it got suck on loading subscriptions. I killed the console and restarted. Same problem. So I pulled the plug on Polisy and restarted it. I thought all was good. Everything seemed Okay. However no programs worked. I looked a little deeper and ALL programs were disabled. I started enabling everything. Then I realized I have disabled programs amongst my programs. So enabling everything would not be a good idea. I reloaded a backup from a day ago and all is good. What happened???
  4. I found the problem. I have a bridge between Polisy and my network as I don't have a network drop in that closet. The bridge is small, out of site, out of mind. Well the bridge was malfunctioning.
  5. @MrBillI was looking at the Tools>Log, not the Tools>Error Log. According to UD Mobile the system went down/up this morning from 12:49 to 1:18. This is what the error log reports for that time. Tue 2023/06/06 12:48:20 AM 0 -101 portal Tue 2023/06/06 12:49:05 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 12:50:20 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 12:52:05 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 12:54:20 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 12:57:05 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 01:00:20 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 01:04:06 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 01:08:21 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 01:13:06 AM 0 -140000 my.isy.io Tue 2023/06/06 01:54:54 AM 0 -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetCurrentSystemStatus xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Insteon_Lighting_Service:1"><SID>uuid:0</SID></u:GetCurrentSystemStatus></s:Body></s:Envelope Looks like Polisy was trying to hit the server at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minute intervals.
  6. @MrBilllog under tools in Polisy? Nothing. Maybe event viewer? I ran the log while it was down and ran it after it came up. Not a whole lot of entries for the particular time frame. UD Mobile did not catch this mornings event. It has never been down long enough to create issue in the past. Today, so far so good. Yesterday I asked Alexa to do something at 3 or 4 different times and it was down. Agave Couldn't connect either. My 4/8 button keypads worked fine. Admin console was up and running fine.
  7. A while back there was a UD Mobile update that started reported the portal status. Well, I never thought much about it. From the start it is constantly going offline and online maybe once a day to about 6 times a day for a minute or less. Starting yesterday, it started bouncing several times going offline for about an hour then coming back online. All the time I can access Policy from admin console. UD Mobile is not even reporting all the events. Inside of Polisy, it shows a red flag. Then green. This morning it was offline. I clicked refresh and it went back on line. I am using Polisy ver 5.6. Portal shows it offline too. Now it is online. What does this mean?
  8. I couldn't find anywhere how to do the update or that an update was ready. I forced it on the Configuration tab. Thanks for the clock fix.
  9. Same problem here. All 3 of my thermostats times are off by 6 hours. I upgraded from ISY-944i were it was running fine. It worked without the write changes. I set the thermostat time every day at 3 am as to sync with programs in IoX. My time is 6 hours off no matter what time zone I set it too.. I just set it to the correct time manually then hit set time in IoX 5.5.9 and it threw it off. I guess I need to wait for the bug fix.
  10. I am trying to trigger a camera on my Blue Iris computer using Network Resources in IoX ver. 5.5.9 . I can do it with one problem. I have to turn off "use secure session" in Blue Iris to accept the command. Here is what I works. I have done some looking around and if I put "http://192.x.x.31:81/admin?camera=CAM6&trigger" into a web browser and hit enter it triggers the camera. Nothing else required. Blue Iris does return 4 values that I don't care about. No password or user needed and "use secure session" in Blue Iris is on. Question is, how can I send this simple one liner command to Blue Iris using Network Resources? I have blindly messed around with GET, PUSH and PUT.
  11. @Techman @Brian H The manual stands correct. The diagram I followed was wrong. TX and RX were reversed. Thank you.
  12. I started on the ISY to Polisy migration. I am stuck. IoX will not detect my serial PLM. My ISY works fine with the same PLM. I built the cable myself as I don't have one. I have searched all over and have come up with the same pin out. This can't be rocket science. I have built many custom RS232 cables in my life. I am using the parts as in the picture. I have continuity between pins (RG45-DB9) 1-3, 7-5 and 8-2. What gives? Is the serial port disabled? What am I missing?
  13. @Brian HAfter I removed the main board, I could see all the circuitry on the bottom. There is way more logic than meets the initial view. So I recapped this thing. I found a post, read threw it and blended the ideas together to order 5 capacitors of slightly different values than the originals. Seems there are lots of versions of the PLM. It is or appears to be operational. Any way to test it? So now I have a USB PLM with a serial board and a Serial PLM with a USB board. Does it really matter? I hear that "it" knows but may not act on it. I want to migrate to Polisy. Should I just move the USB PLM with the serial board to the Polisy? Should I put everything back the way it was (USB on USB PLM , serial on serial PLM), replace the original serial PLM on the ISY, get the ISY fully function again and then proceed to the migration?
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