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Everything posted by AAdsit

  1. It was the PLM overloaded. I had deleted a bunch of dead links, but the PLM still had them (1,000). Factory reset fixed it.
  2. Partially correct, sorry if I misled anybody. I am indeed using ISY-994i but connected to a USM PLM via a pi bridge.
  3. I use a program to trigger x10 based on the status of Insteon devices.
  4. I need to be storm proof. Thus the delay device - automates reboots. I posted, see page 7 I think.
  5. Here is my delay approach (see attached for instructions). BE NICE - I'm not a Pi expert or a shell expert -- but this works to basically delay the ISY from getting power until the serial bridge Pi is fully booted (about 30-50 seconds). See attachment for pictures. Building a delay switch for the ISY 994-I when equipped with the Insteon USB PLM and the Pi based Serial Bridge Why is a delay power switch needed? The serial bridge needs to be available prior to the ISY querying the USB PLM. The delay to fully boot following a power outage may cause the ISY 994-I to not properly sync with the PLM. For info on building the serial bridge, see link: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/32546-insteon-2448a7-raspberrypi-isy994/ Concept: interrupt the ISY-994i power supply until the Raspberry Pi is fully booted. Approach: A bash shell will cause a GPIO pin to go high, which can drive a single pole relay to allow power to the ISY following the Pi boot. NOTE: I am NOT a Pi expert, a bash expert, but this worked for me. I’m sure there is a better way to do this, better place to put scripts, etc. Parts: 5V 1 Channel Relay (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079FJSYGY/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_GQ95SPFMH3Q1YJMTETNR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) 3D printed enclosure: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4972862 5.5mm panel mount jack: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JR5AG5I/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Pololu connectors: https://www.pololu.com/product/1902 (order some male and female connectors or pre-terminated wires. 3mm-0.50 x 6mm screws: https://www.albanycountyfasteners.com/Socket-Head-Cap-Screw-3MM-A2-Stainless-Steel-p/5040000.htm Step 1: Set up Raspberry Pi to Make Pin 5 on GPIO to go high after boot Putty to the Pi and change directory to /etc/init.d (or anywhere you want to) pi@serial-bridge:~ $ cd /etc/init.d Create the shell file that will output high to Pin 5 (I called mine bootGPIO.sh): pi@serial-bridge:~ $ sudo nano bootGPIO.sh #!/bin/bash # Exports pin to userspace echo "5" > /sys/class/gpio/export # Sets pin 5 as an output echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio5/direction # Sets pin 5 to high echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio5/value Save the file using ctrl-O then ctrl-X Make the file executable pi@serial-bridge:~ $ sudo chmod 755 bootGPIO.sh Add the bash command to the file /etc/rc.local file near the top of the file pi@serial-bridge:~ $ sudo nano /etc/rc.local sudo bash /etc/init.d/bootGPIO.sh Save the file using ctrl-O then ctrl-X Following this addition, pin 5 on GPIO will go high after boot. Step 2: build the switch box: Print the 3D enclosure (body and lid) Assemble the relay module, the two 5.5mm jacks, and the 3 pin connector. Step 3: Add wires to the Raspberry Pi GPIO. I used Yellow to GPIO 5 (pin 29) Black to GND (pin 30) and Red to 5 volts (pin 2). Terminate with the wires in the correct order such that Gnd goes to DC-, 5 volts goes to DC+, and signal (GPIO 5) goes to IN. Snake out of the Pi enclosure. Step 4: disconnect both devices, run ISY power to one side of switch, make a short jumper to go from switch to ISY. Step 5: reconnect power to both. Pi will boot and ISY will power on after about 30-50 seconds. Building a delay switch for the ISY 994.pdf
  6. Got my Isy, PLM and pi running PolyGloy all on a shelf under my desk, now.
  7. I got it on Amazon - appears to be unavailable. It fit inside the backpack enclosure.
  8. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0748MPQT4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It was part of a zero "kit." On Amazon
  9. i dont turn everything off. There are a few night lights that are turned on -- thus the need to do a toggle on. scene buttons are included and they are turning off except the one that was stuck on. I believe it is resolved, just thought it was odd, that one could not be turned off.
  10. I built the Raspberry Pi interface from TTL (from the ISY) to USB (to PLM-U) according to the link below. It works, however, the Pi needs to boot first to establish the comms between the TTL levels and the USB protocol. I am currently building a delay device that will keep the ISY from booting until the Raspberry is fully running. For now, for a power loss, I just have to unplug the ISY and reconnect. Picture shows my ISY with the Pi Zero "backpack." I'll post my delay device soon (using a resistor, capacitor, and relay).
  11. I have three KPLs that are all programmed alike in each scene, and one button (C) is set to be non-toggle On (on all KPLs) designed to turn almost all lights, buttons, etc off. One KPL somehow got stuck on, and the scene i wrote to turn off the buttons wouldn't turn it off (the other two KLPs worked correctly). The only solution I could come up with was to write a dummy scene to turn all the C buttons on, then changed it to turn them back off again to get them synced. Is this the right approach? Just trying to turn the three buttons OFF didn't work in the scene. KPL 1 is a 2487S Relay v44 - the rouge KPL KPL 2 is a 2487S Relay v44 KPL 3 is a 2334-2 Dimmer v45
  12. I am learning the nuisance of control vs status. I’m leaning toward status for many reasons. Thanks.
  13. Restored PLM and my links went down to 71 (from 900+). i'm pretty sure the high number was from where (stupid me) added devices and imported links from my previous insteon hub. I had probably 200+ scenes (which I know weren't good scenes, most were dead links. I had deleted them, but guess all those dead links were still in there). For the nubies -- like they say - do NOT add insteon with links..... They mean it. My new switches work now. And I simplified the fan timeout (thanks, was trying to make it more complicated than I needed). Hall_Bath_Fan_Turn_On - [ID 0005][Parent 0001] If 'Hall Bath Fan' is switched On Then Wait 25 minutes Set 'Hall Bath Fan' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks especially to MrBill, Techman and hart2hart who exhibited a truckload of patience.
  14. I don’t have a ton of scenes, but I do have a good nite that basically turns off everything and has 3 controller buttons. switch was recent addition. I plugged in the switch to the same circuit as the PLM. I’ll try restoring the plm from ISY.
  15. Do not have Polisy running. I have the Pro version of ISY. PLM link count = 992. I don't have any programs that run during the day. I did relocate Insteon PLM to another outlet -- closer to the switches. Also, is on the same "side" of the breaker box. Did not help.
  16. Yes, it is right next to the lights switch. It also does not trigger ISY, but operates the lights. I can operate the switch via the ISY (again, one direction signal). I will pull out and test near the PLM. Had a third switch I received with same order. Wired up near PLM, added to ISY. Same exact response. ISY will trigger the switch, but the switch will not trigger the ISY. Could 3 switches all be bad, right out of the box? Its almost like the ISY is full? Or I haven't done something right between when I set all this up and the recent adding of two switches. I have 125 devices in the topology. I have removed the switch from the ISY and readded. Same.
  17. Query shows this: Hall Bath Fan Status On Sat 2021/09/11 08:11:45 AM System Log Hall Bath Fan On Level 100% Sat 2021/09/11 08:11:45 AM System Log Hall Bath Fan Ramp Rate 28 Sat 2021/09/11 08:11:45 AM System Log Date code and Model Number 1319, Model 2477S Disconnected load, status unchanged.
  18. Well, I factory reset the switch and them restored the switch via ISY. Hit the switch, and the status on ISY does not change. All of my other switches in the network except these NEW switches (installed yesterday) pass to ISY. ISY passes to the switch. So it is definitely a one way circuit. And no, I did not know you could copy/paste./ Good to know.
  19. Hall Bath Fan is the correct device. If I turn it on in the ISY Tree, it initiates the timer. It also turns the fan on. If I press the button, it does not initiate the program. I am using a state variable as the instruction says that integer variables cannot be used for decision in programs. it is variable as it counts down for 20 minutes. Did I read that wrong? ((Hall_Bath_Fan_Decrement)) If $Hall_Bath_Fan_Time_Left > 0 Then Wait 1 minute $Hall_Bath_Time_Left -= 1 Run Program 'Hall_Bath_Fan_Decrement' (If) Else Set 'Hall Bath Fan' Off These two programs were pretty much copied from somewhere in the forum.
  20. I must have completely overlooked something in the manual. I just want to start a timer when a switch is pressed. The rest of the program works, just not catching the initial key press. ((Hall_Bath_Fan_Turn_On)) If 'Hall Bath Fan' is switched ON Then $Hall_Bath_Fan_Time_left += 20 <-- set as a State Variable Run Program 'Hall_Bath_Fan_Decrement' (If) Else No Actions Hall_Bath_Fan_Decrement handles counting down the 20 minutes and turning off the Fan. For some reason, ISY isn't catching the switch press. If I force the then statement, the programs run fine. Does the switch setup have to be set as a condition to the Program?
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