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Steve L

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Community Answers

  1. Wrong link for release post.
  2. Coming back to this. I now have Home Assistant with its UD integration. Unfortunately, all the solutions I can find to manage the lock assume I am using a USB Z-wave stick connected to the HA host (I am using a Home Assistant Green box). I have read that one can install HA on the EISY - if I do, will HA treat the UD Z-wave adapter as a USB adapter? Or do I just move the lock to the HA box (I do have a Zooz USB adapter) and forget about the UD integration? This is all so complicated when all I really wanted was for UD Mobile to be able to manage the lock codes. I keep reading that there is a plan to replace the Java UD console, but I worry that the replacement won't support managing Z-Wave lock users.
  3. I decided to give Home Assistant a try - I've been thinking about it for a while and this pushed me over the edge.
  4. Just keep in mind that UD Mobile still does not provide support for managing lock users, which the Java console has, and which I consider critical functionality. I submitted a feature request for this a couple of years ago.
  5. Thanks - for some reason, search is not working for me - any search returns zero results. Hmm.
  6. Huh - a forum search for ZSE70 came up empty, hence my post. Got a link to the other mentions?
  7. Has anyone tried the new Zooz ZSE70 outdoor motion sensor, a replacement for the ZSE29? Does the EISY understand it?
  8. My case, at least, was self-inflicted by not carefully reading the instructions. The lock has a central round "Program" button, and two other buttons generally labeled A and B in the instructions. I had been pressing the Program button when adding the lock, but this was incorrect - I should instead have pushed the A button (upper left corner) as directed in the instructions. When I did this, all the nodes got properly added. One does need to clean out the old nodes first. Since this was my second lock, I assumed I knew what to do, but it had been two years and you know what they say about "assume".
  9. No, it is Zwave. Baldwin doesn't offer a Zigbee version.
  10. Baldwin 8235003ZW. It is electronically the same as the Kwikset 916.
  11. EISY 5.8.4 (firmware and UI). I put the lock inches away from the EISY and tried again, same result.
  12. I am missing all the nodes that let me control and view the state of the lock - lock, unlock, set codes, view battery level, etc. I show a screenshot of what admin is showing me. The 026 devices has the nodes I want, the 068 does not. This lock does not support S2.
  13. Two years ago, I bought and installed a Baldwin Touchscreen entry lock, which has the guts of a Kwikset 916. I had no trouble adding it to the ISY994 I had at the time, and it migrated fine to an EISY. Today I bought a second of the same model, but when I added it as a device, all that shows up is "Entry Control" and none of the actual useful nodes I see for the old one. I tried enabling Compatibility Mode, removed and re-added it multiple times, to no effect. This is what I see now: 026 is my old lock, 068 the new one. I've also attached the debug log from adding. There must be something I am missing - please help. ISY-Events-Log.v5.8.4__Thu 2024.07.18 01.21.47 PM.txt
  14. Can you install a Java runtime? If so, it should work. I don't see this as an option from Oracle, though.
  15. Upgraded EISY - worked fine. As usual, I had to delete and reinstall the Java admin panel.
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