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  1. Thanks for this feedback. I am still a bit confused. Can anyone provide some actual examples of their setup that is working well? For example, should I only assign a single 'spoken' name for each device? What would you do with this specific setup: 1 echo dot in a room with 4 devices to be controlled: - Bedroom light - Bedroom fan - Bathroom light - Bathroom fan
  2. I have an Echo Dot in each of a few rooms. I chose one room to connect to Alexa as an initial test. The interface allows you to enter multiple spoken names. Not knowing how helpful this was, I entered multiple for a few: (e.g. Kid's bedroom light & Kid's light: Kid's bathroom fan & kid's bathroom exhaust fan, etc.). Some are lights, and some are switches (ceiling fan, bathroom exhaust, etc.). When importing these from the Alexa app, it seemed to import every version of spoken names as a separate device. Now when telling Alexa to turn on a device, it gets confused between two different similar names. In Alexa I assigned all the lights and switches to 'Kid's Room' in Alexa, so if I say turn off the lights in Kid's room, it turns off all lights and switches. Is this normal? Since Alexa now has these categorized in 'Kid's Room', can I simply change the names of the devices to bedroom light, bathroom light, bathroom fan, etc.?
  3. How do these Philips warm glow lights 'turn on' when fading up? I understand that an LED light won't turn on light an incandescant bulb, but my experience has been that even the ones that say that they dim from 10-100%, abrubtly turn on at about 30%+ but you can then 'back down' to something lower if wanted. Gives an awful scene transition.
  4. I know that there are some painful work arounds to send IR signals to ISY (which is not line of sight to any of my other devices). I am wondering what it takes to add ISY as a device (as you can with Insteon hub) and simply have an interface to the items on your Insteon network. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  5. What other options are there? Since there is a very simple interface for the Insteon Hub, it is frustrating that a much more useful and powerful device is locked out of it. http://www.insteon.com/logitech/ I would install an Insteon Hub just to have this functionality, but I understand that this will then conflict with my ISY? Regarding connection with Logitech... does anyone here have a current relationship with the Insteon development folks to get an 'introduction'? Is there any possibility of supporting an Insteon Hub in a primarily ISY household to support these types of growing functions? It seems that they have a bigger commercial reach for the average consumer, so they get attention from many of the other 'connected technology' players. Is there a way for ISY to 'simulate' an Insteon Hub so that something like the Harmony Hub can think that it is an Insteon Hub? This might solve the problem for this (and others). Steve
  6. Okay... I think that I understand better now... This can modify a scene that you call.... but NOT modify the local 'on level' of a switch. So to have the local 'on level' different depending on the time of day would require some tricks with timing, calling a program, etc. Would be nice if we could schedule changes to a local switch, but I suspect that this has other challenges.
  7. Does this actually change the local on level depending on time of day? Allowing immediate response when using switch? If so, do you have to create some dummy scenes first? 'MasterBath NightLight' in the example above? Without this, the switch in question doesn't show as an option to adjust a scene? Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  8. Any documented, robust methods of occupancy detection using variables? I have several occupancy sensors but have had limited use. I think that I should explore the use of occupancy variables and then using those as part of my logic... rather than trying to incorporate the motion sensing into programs.
  9. sfhutchi

    Night Light

    Okay. So I think that I have it generally working again.... I had to wait about 6 seconds to the 'Dim Off' routine. Seems that this 'slow off' command was happening too fast. As you stated earlier, it was like there was a race to the finish and for some reason I never needed the delay in the past. The program always took longer to initiate so the 35% command in the first program always happened first. I have continued to update and add devices over the years and upgraded my ISY twice, so possibly I have a much faster and more reliable network now. Twin Light Dim - [ID 0016][Parent 0019] If Status 'Twins Room Light' is Off And Control 'Twins Room Light' is switched Off Then Run Program 'Twin Light Dim Off' (Then Path) Set 'Twins Room Light' 35% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Twin Light Dim Off - [ID 0017][Parent 0019] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 6 seconds Set Scene 'Twins Room Light - Very Slow' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. sfhutchi

    Night Light

    I'll try this. Thanks. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  11. sfhutchi

    Night Light

    Yes.. I guess I need to keep experimenting. I rebuilt the slow scene and it works when run directly. I can't seem to get it to work in any of the programs. Have others created any 'night light' type scenes? Something that I can trigger to bring a light to a low level and then slowly ramp off? I used it for years when checking on the kids at night. It was fantastic. Walk in their room... press off and I had a few minutes to check on them while the light slowly ramped to off. When I was done I simply left the room. No more interaction with switches.
  12. sfhutchi

    Night Light

    I agree that this didn't seem logical, but (at least for a while in the past) it worked as is written. Something about calling the other program to start the slow ramp to off. Changing the order and including a delay doesn't seem to work either. I am restoring the switch now. I am starting to have a feeling that I may have lost the 'slow' scene on this switch. I'll report back.
  13. sfhutchi

    Night Light

    Currently the light turns on to 35% but never turns off. I admit that the current logic doesn't seem to make sense, but it was what someone suggested several years ago and it worked well for years. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  14. sfhutchi

    Night Light

    For years, I had 'night lights' setup in multiple rooms that functioned as follows: -If the light was off, I would press 'off' and the light would turn on to a dim setting, and then slowly ramp to off. With the same code, it doesn't work with my current setup anymore. Any other robust ways to do this? I have tried this with out more straightforward ways.... but in the past, I had to invoke a second program to initiate the scene that is essentially a slow ramp of the same light. Program (Twin Light Dim) If Status 'Twins Room Light' is Off And Control 'Twins Room Light' is switched Off Then Run Program 'Twin Light Dim Off' (Then Path) Set 'Twins Room Light' 35% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program (Twin Light Dim Off) If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set Scene 'Twins Room Light - Very Slow' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. I have a decent size Insteon installation throughout my house and love my ISY. I continue to look for a better user interface though. I have tried Mobilinc, but continue to be underwhelmed by the UI and the high cost. I was hoping to have a 'joint Insteon Hub' and ISY install, but based on previous posts, it seems that this may not work? An Insteon refurbished HUB is dirt cheap and includes a very clean UI that allows integration of other non-Insteon devices and has $0 monthly fees. Has anyone successfully used both a HUB and ISY? I did read about a new integration of ISY with Echo... That is great, but what about possibly integrating with the HUB and HUB interface? Any chance that it can be simply used as an interface? Are there any other options out there for a good interface to my Insteon setup without losing my ISY? Steve
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