Just getting started with ISY99 setup and have run into a couple of issues that need some clarification. ISY has 2.7.7 loaded. Setup is 3 sets of lights controlled by three different 6 button KPLs. We'll call them KPL1, KPL2, KPL3. There are two goals for the setup. To have button 2 on KPL1 and button 2 on KPL3 do a full on all three loads and to have button 3 on KPL1 and button 2 on KPL3 do a 50% dim on all three loads.
Scene Full has KPL1 button 2 and KPL3 button 2 as controllers and load KPK1, KPL2 and KPL3 as responders. Set at 100%.
Scene Dim has KPL3 button 3 and KPL3 button 3 as controllers and load KPK1, KPL2 and KPL3 as responders. Set at 50%.
Buttons 2 and 3 are set up as Mutually Exclusive on KPL1 and KPL2.
Problem 1: The KPL from which you are controlling does not seem to dim the load of that device, only the other two loads. On/off works fine.
Problem 2: The mutually exclusive only seems to work on the KPL where you are pressing the buttons. The other KPL do not seem to track the feedback status on buttons 2 and 3 of the device you are controlling from. The control-from location works OK, but the oposing KPL feedback stays high until you go to the oposing device and manully cycle the buttons.
Have tried a couple of rebuilds of the scenes and resets-rebuilds of the mutually exclusive setups, but same results.
Help please.
And Many Thanks!