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Everything posted by TLangham

  1. Hello all, I've been a long time user of Insteon devices and have a sizable investment in switches, outlets, sensors, etc...just like many of you. From the beginning, I used my ISY994, the Insteon PLM, and MobiLinc for all of my HA setup and configuration. From what I'm reading, the Insteon cloud service has stopped working but I'm curious about is (with my current configuration) will everything continue to work as it did due to ISY being the "Smart" behind my smart home and MobiLinc being the end user interface? We recently moved and I pulled all of my tech from the previous home. It's all sitting in boxes waiting for me to install, but if it's not going to work, then I'll have to explore other options. The next questions will be 1) Will ISY continue support / adoption of Insteon devices and 2) Will MobiLinc continue to interface with Insteon devices (which is actually talking to the ISY, but I'm not sure if there's something specific to the Insteon controls). Thank You, Tom
  2. Hey Michel, Thank you for responding so quickly...I appreciate it. I opened a ticket and attached some files / screen shots. (15059) Tom
  3. I recently updated my network gear and went all Unifi (UDM Pro, 24 Port POE switch, and 3 NanoHD AP's) to gain more control, security, and visibility over my network. Looking at the stats this morning, my ISY was at the top of the list for data utilization for the past 24 hours at 60GB. Traffic was categorized as SSL/TLS and DNS...which doesn't tell me a lot...but I was curious if there were any significant updates or patches launched yesterday that would have generated that kind of traffic. If not, I need to dig a little deeper and find out what was being so chatty!! Thanks, Tom
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