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Everything posted by Gunn

  1. Totally lost the bubble on this thread, I apologize for not finishing what I started. In the end, I just could not get the Zooz ZSE40 to work with the ISY994 no matter what I tried. Including it, excluding it, having the device 1ft away to 50ft away, etc. So I purchased a Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Plus S2 USB Stick (ZST10 700), added it to my RasberryPi running Home Assistant and it instantly worked just fine, even with the device in its intended location about 40 feet away. All good now. My ISY994 and PLM is basically just a pass-through to Home Assistant, as all of my automations reside there now. Thanks,
  2. Ok, I can understand that. And that is exactly what I did...the first few times. Include, exclude, include, exclude. I even factory reset both devices and started over several times. The ISY Z-Wave Module Guide does not say anything about excluding a Z-Wave device before adding it. The only mention about doing this is at the bottom of Page 2 (though this guide does look to be pretty old, but no version or revision date appears): Note: To add a device, it must not already be included in a Z-Wave network. Therefore, if you are having trouble including a device try excluding it first. My device was certainly not already included in a Z-Wave network, as I never had one. Same with the ISY. This is my only Z-Wave device. But it is 3-feet from the ISY right now. Is that out of range? I would certainly hope not. It's been a couple more days and ISY still says 70.77F and 39.53% humidity and no motion. Why is this? And how can I fix it?
  3. Interesting, remove a device that never existed before adding it. Unique. Well in any case now that it's added I can set configuration parameters and query the device but man is the ISY or this device finnicky. I constantly get error messages: And then a couple seconds later All.the.time! Even when the thing is reporting it is detecting motion, I still have to wake it up to get the parameters to take. But more importantly, it will not update its status. The display has been stuck at 70.77F and 39.53% humidity for the last 6 hours. When I look at the motion sensor entity, it always say Off. Never have I seen it say On or anything else. Completely FURBAR'd. I'm going to purchase a Z-Wave USB dongle and see how that behaves. But the whole reason I bought this Z-Wave device was because I had the ISY...
  4. I'm guessing this might be what you are looking for? Firmware: Insteon_UD994 v.5.0.16C ( 2020-01-25-12:26:39 ) UI Insteon_UD994 v.5.0.16C ( 2020-01-25-12:26:39 ) btw, is there a way to copy that from the About dialog? I finally got the Zooz ZSE40 to be added to the ISY, but still have issues. It was a strange process. First, I returned the original one and I got a brand-new one. I clicked Z-Wave->Add/Include A Z-Wave Device and then pressed the Inclusion button on the device once. The ISY immediately recognized it and started to add it. This time, I pressed the inclusion button once time about every 15 seconds. After about a minute, the ISY add dialog disappeared and it seemed like it was finished (green Ready flag in the lower-left hand corner of the app). But it wasn't. I only had the device "ZW 002 Multilivel Sensor" in the tree. I kept pressing that Inclusion button on the device for another 2 minutes or so. Each time I pressed it, the ISY Tools->Diagnostics->Event Viewer would show this: Wed 02/09/2022 07:48:05 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP 2] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW002_1 Wed 02/09/2022 07:48:05 PM : [ZWAVE-TE ] [84/08] Wakeup No More Information ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x02 After a little while longer I decided to press the "Query" button in the ISY app. And then pressed the Inclusion button on the device. All of a sudden a flurry of activity went off in the Event Viewer and then several more entities were added So that looks good. But things like the Intrusion Alarm always says a status of "Off" even if I remove the cover. The Motion Sensor doesn't seem to be updating often. There are also a bunch of settings I need to tweak. I think I'm getting them eventually to set, but often when I right-click on the sensor and choose Z-Wave->Set Configuration Parameter and put in all the info and press "Set", often I get a "Can't Communicate with <sensor>", and I bunch of "Z-Wave Command Failed" dialogs whether I press the wakeup/inclusion button or not. Really flaky. Is this the best it can do?
  5. I have a suite of 55 Insteon devices. Now that those are all configured and working great, I decided to purchase my first ZWave device; this Zooz 4-in-1 sensor, model ZSE400 700. I was hoping it would be easy. But after 45 minutes, I'm more frustrating than anything. I pulled up the documentation for both the ISY994 and the Zooz sensor. I inserted the battery into the sensor. I then chose Z-Wave->Add/Include a Z-Wave Device... from the ISY. Then I used a paperclip to push the Z-wave inclusion/exclusion button once. The sensor is about 3 feet from the ISY. The ISY indicated it found the device. Then a dialog with a progress bar appeared. After about 20-30 seconds the dialog went away and it said it failed to add the device. However, the device was listed in the treeview of the ISY, along with 3 other nodes. Since it told me it failed, I tried again. But this time it listened, but could never find it. I read troubleshooting tips on the sensor to no avail. The ISY suggested I remove it and then try re-adding it. So I tried to remove it. It seemed to work as it disappeared. Then I tried to add it again. Bu luck. Couldn't find the device. Tried to remove it again, nothing. I then did a factory rest of the Z-Wave dongle from the ISY. I then factory reset the sensor. Then I tried to add it again. The ISY won't find it. I did read the Z-Wave Tips and Tricks sticky post in this forum and I think this sensor is a 700 series (ZSE40 700), but it sounds like it should still work... Any ideas on how to get this these two MF devices to link to each other?!! Z-Wave-ZSE40-Event-Log.txt
  6. Thank you @ase, my feelings exactly. And seeing as I posted this in the "New User" sub-forum, it's a real turn-off coming here and reading some of these responses to my rather simple question. Good day, this topic can be closed.
  7. Javi, I have followed the Wiki instructions for setting up another KeypadLinc/FanLinc combo and it worked like a charm. Much nicer and easier to do. I'm going to use this method for my remaining combinations and go back and re-set my Living Room scene as mentioned in the original post. The only difference I ended up making is to add an Off controller (Keypad D), as I have the 6-button KeypadLinc's and my family is all used to pressing the Off button (D) to turn off the fan. Adding the D button as a controller and setting the Fan speed to Off worked to accomplish this. The only issue this brings is that if by chance the fan is running and someone toggles that speed button, it will turn off the fan but the D button LED will not be lit. But I think this is the same behavior I had in the past with the OEM app and hub. No big deal. The last sentence in the Wiki Firmware 5.x section about "Scene Links (all buttons off, except High button. Fan High), This setup will allow UD Mobile..." I didn't understand. But I don't use UD Mobile, so that's probably why. (I would note the comma after "Fan High)" and then an uppercase This. Seems like this should be a period here? Thanks again for updating that document. Much appreciated.
  8. Wow, thanks for the updates, and the updated instructions! I was just messing with what I had and following the instructions by kzboray before this was posted. But I will review and either convert to this method, and/or try it on another Fanlinc/KeypadLinc combination I have yet to setup. It does look much simpler to deal with, having only one scene. Thanks again! (btw, I have factory reset everything and started fresh with ISY so all my links are now good)
  9. Thanks! I have figured it out based on your suggestions, however a bit differently. So for this first step, when I select the scene for Fan OFF, in the bottom half of the screen is only one option, which was already set correctly for the Fan - Motor. BUT, in just peeking and poking around looking for things, I found that if I clicked on the controller for that scene ("Living Room Keypad - D"), then there were two options. For the "On Level", it was set as "High" for the Fan-Motor in each of my scenes. When I changed this to "Off" and then clicked the "Update" button, it fixed the issue with this scene. I then clicked on the controller for each scene and adjusted this setting accordingly. See here: For the button toggle mode, I noticed you had yours in a Mutually Exclusive Buttons 1, so I changed mine to Toggle and then put them in the group like yours. Before: After: I do need to read up on what this does, but it also fixed the issue with the lighting of the buttons. So now everything is behaving properly, thank you so much for the help!
  10. I have exactly that. An Excel spreadsheet with all of my devices listed which includes their name, their Insteon address, where they are located, they model number and firmware revision, etc. However, I don't know how that would prevent me from having to run around pushing buttons and linking? The only way to perform a factory reset is to do exactly that...run around push buttons. Then this should be more clearly written in the instructions. After all, I was/am a newbie...just following instructions from plugging it in to adding my first device. The way I did it was one of the options: add one device and have the ISY crawl through the network adding devices it found in links. So that's what I chose. If this is not a proper way to do it, then that option should be removed. Bottom line, none of this should have caused my switch to begin beeping, just like all of the older posts. And once it began beeping, the ISY should have reflected that mode of operation. And then I should have been able to have the ISY tell my switch to STOP beeping. The ISY caused it, it should have been able to fix it.
  11. I previously had an Insteon Hub and the Insteon app controlling my 56 devices, which included 5 KeypadLinc / FanLinc combinations. All worked great. Now moving to ISY994i and attempted to setup my first KeypadLinc / FanLinc combo. Thought it was going to be easy, but hasn't gone over so well. I followed the steps in this Wiki article: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994i:INSTEON_Device:FanLinc-KPL_FanLinc_KeypadLinc_Configuration I read over it several times before starting and everything seemed rather intuitive and the same as when using the Insteon Hub/App, except for the except for the early steps on "Button Toggle Mode" and "Button Grouping". I especially didn't like the red warnings all over the "Button Grouping" dialog, but proceeded with what the article said to do. In the end, I have several issues: My fan is now running on high speed no matter what button I push. All 4 of my keypad A/B/C/D buttons are all light up. When I press any one of them, they flash three times and stay lit. The fan stays on high Here are my scenes: Here are the details for the Living Room Fan - High scene. A is the controller and On, the rest are Off. Fan on High: Here are the details for the Living Room Fan - Medium scene. B is the controller and On, the rest are Off. Fan on Medium: Here are the details for the Living Room Fan - Low scene. C is the controller and On, the rest are Off. Fan on Low: Here are the details for the Living Room Fan - Off scene. D is the controller and On, the rest are Off. Fan on Off: And here is the Button Toggle Mode dialog on the Living Room KeypadLinc: Can someone point out what I am doing wrong? Also, that Wiki article linked about could sure use some editing, which I would be happy to do if I could. It also mentions steps in each scene to "Click on Copy Scene Attributes from High", which I could not find in the Admin Console anywhere (maybe that is the crucial missing step here?). Thanks,
  12. Well, unfortunately this thread is not going to have a solution, just like all the others. I have 57 devices in my home and I have used the Hub ever since the Hub came out (had Insteon devices even before the Hub existed). So when I just got the ISY994 I didn't want to mess with anything. So when I added my first device to the ISY/PLM, I had it scour the Insteon links and it pulled in all of my devices in one fell swoop for the most part. I was impressed! However, the ISY seemed to have messed up every single of of my KeypadLincs. The lights didn't correspond with the button presses anymore (a lot of them control Fans), and all kinds of weird things. Then this beeping started on the one switch. And the numerous scenes that the ISY created made no sense to me....I couldn't figure them out. They didn't seem to jive with what was actually happening in my home. So today I printed a checklist and went through and factory reset EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. of my Insteon devices, from the crawl space to the attic. Argghhh. Then I reset and unplugged the Hub (hopefully for good) and reset the PLM and the ISY994. Now I am starting over adding devices one by one and creating scenes. Everything is much more intuitive and making sense. Easier to organize as you go. But I have found lots of discrepancies in the documentation. Looks like it hasn't been updated in awhile as the UI has changed. But that's for another topic. Bottom line, no more beeping from that switch after a factory reset. Shrug. No idea. Thanks for the help though!
  13. Say what? The Insteon SwitchLinc dimmer is beeping when I press the on/off paddle of the switch. And it is clearly audible, from even 10 feet away.
  14. Thanks for the quick response. Yes, I did indeed click the "Beep" button after setting it to 0. Firmware: Insteon_UD994 v5.0.16C ( 2020-01-25-12:26:39 ) UI: Insteon_UD994 v5.0.16C ( 2020-01-25 12:26:39 ) But here is the thing that makes no sense. I was able to do this with help; someone standing by the switch. No matter what I set the "Beep" dropdown to (0, 1, 5, 3, 10, etc) as soon as I make a selection in that dropdown, the switch will beep ONE time. Note that I did NOT press the "Beep" button. Now, if I press the "Beep" button with the dropdown on any value (0, 5, 3, 10, etc) the switch again will only beep ONE time. Turning the light on and off at the switch results in a single beep no matter what the value of the dropdown. If I change the value of the On dropdown to 100%, the switch immediately turns on...with no beep (not that I did NOT press the "On" button. If I change the value of the On dropdown to 0%, the switch immediately turns off...with no beep. I really am confused by the beep, and the ISY user interface (UI). It seems those buttons are pointless...because I don't have to press them to get anything done. Simply changing the dropdown menu selection immediately changes the switch to that value. Very unintuitive. Is this the expected behavior of the UI? And still...the beep remains! Thanks,
  15. I've only had my ISY for less than a week. So I'm still learning how to work with this thing. I have searched the forum for this issue and there are several old posts about it, but no real solutions as to why it is happening. There are posts going back to 2014 and some more recent in 2019 But again, no reason why or how to fix it. Now my turn. But all of a sudden one of my SwitchLinc v41 devices (1 of 56 Insteon devices) started to beep and the ramp rate was incredibly slow (like at first we thought it wasn't even working). I've had this particular switch installed for 5+ years, previously using the Insteon Hub. Never beeped once. The issue is identically like the first link I posted above, with the beeping and the really slow ramp rate. I was able to view the switch in the ISY and change the ramp rate to our default in our house of 0.5 seconds. And that took. But I can't fix the beep. Even with the beep set to off in the ISY, the thing still beeps!! Can anyone point me to a way to fix this thing, without performing a factory reset?! Very frustrating. Thanks,
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