I had an earlier version of the isy994-pro that didnt have z-wave functionality. Earlier this year (june 28) I purchased a new ISY that also had z-wave integration. I had purchased additional insteon devices to "complete" the smart home installation in this house prior to putting it on the market. Today, all of a sudden, nothing worked via Alexa, or the UD app on the iphone, or even via the console on my pc. Years ago, I had a PLM die and found someone via this forum in Thousand Oaks to repair the PLM for me back in 2016. I had a spare that I had intended to send to the guy in Thousand Oaks to have him do a preventative re-cap on it, but never got around to mailing it... I checked the "repaired" PLM, and the green led was on and blinking here and there. I had noticed some lights flickering in the house earlier in the day and figured something was up with Georgia Power, when later I found out something had gone haywire.
I pulled off the "repaired" PLM and replaced it with the unused one. I did a restore plm in the isy, and it didnt take too long to finish what it was doing, but i noticed i had a number of "ballbats" (!) next to a number of devices. The restore device function did nothing, I had rebooted the ISY and same thing... Finally I decided to kill the power in the entire house at the panel. Everything then showed up in the isy without ballbats, Alexa commands were working again, as well as via the console.
I decided to make sure the repaired plm was indeed bad (and at this point it is indeterminate), so I reconnected it, did a restore plm, and it didnt take too long for it to finish. Stuff wasnt working again. The led on the plm was green.
Put the "unused" plm back into the system and did another restore. This time, it seems like its taking forever, almost like it is restoring in an endless loop. Afraid to kill the power to the system or reboot the ISY for fear of bricking it.
This almost seems like an ISY failure (which is under a year old).