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  1. I'm glad this was helpful! I'm also glad I wrote it down because I don't have a clue how to do it any more My ISY has been humming away for months now and I haven't made any changes. > Seth: I don't understand the point here of this scene IIRC, without the second scene, the KPL light goes out when you press it, regardless of whether the door actually closes. I wanted the KPL light to light back up if the sensor detects that the door remains open. > Belias: Everything is accomplished with direct linking I don't remember the details now, but from my first post it looks like I tried that and couldn't get it to work with the garage door opener I had at the time. I have a new opener now, but this still works great so I haven't messed with it. > Belias: For the hold time, I'm using one second Be careful with that, with my door I found that holding down the button overrides the auto reverse mechanism. So if the door hits something during that one second hold time, it will probably not reverse and end up damaging something. I would use the shortest possible time that works.
  2. OK, I'm pretty happy with this now Here's what it does: * The KPL LED comes on when the garage door is opened * If you press the KPL button, the LED goes out and the door starts to close. After a short delay, the LED comes back on to indicate the that the door has not yet finished closing. * If the door is unable to close, the LED stays on and you know there is a problem * If the door closes succesfully, the LED turns off Additionally, if someone presses the KPL button while the door is closed, nothing happens. Well, OK the LED comes on for about 2 seconds but it turns back off automatically and the door does not open. Here's the setup: * Wire the sensor using the red wire instead of the green wire (so the status will be Off when the door is closed and On when it is open) * Leave all KPL buttons are in the normal "Toggle" mode * Set the IOLinc to Momentary A with 2/10ths hold time. "Trigger Reverse" is not needed if you use the red wire. * Create a scene called 'Garage Door Sensor' that contains the appropriate KPL buttons as responders and the IOLinc sensor as a controller * Create an additional scene called 'Garage Door Indicator' that contains the same KPL buttons again as responders, with no controller These four programs handle the logic: GARAGE DOOR BUTTON (enabled): If Control 'LR Entry KPL G - Garage Door' is switched Off Or Control 'LR Entry KPL G - Garage Door' is switched On Or Control 'LR Patio KPL G - Garage Door' is switched Off Or Control 'LR Patio KPL G - Garage Door' is switched On Then Run Program 'Garage Door Close' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') (basically, detect if any of the KPL buttons are pressed) GARAGE DOOR CLOSE (disabled): If Status 'Garage Door - Sensor' is On Then Set 'Garage Door - Relay' On Run Program 'Garage Door Query' (If) Else Run Program 'Garage Door Query' (If) (only run the garage door motor if the door is open, i.e. try to close it) GARAGE DOOR QUERY (disabled): If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Repeat 1 times Set 'Garage Door - Sensor' Query Run Program 'Garage Door Set Indicator' (If) Set 'Garage Door - Relay' Query Wait 5 seconds Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') (Check the status of the door, then set the KPL LEDs appropriately. Also check the status of the IOLinc relay since it never sends an Off. Not sure if the repeat is needed, but shouldn't hurt) GARAGE DOOR SET INDICATOR (disabled): If Status 'Garage Door - Sensor' is On Then Set Scene 'Garage Door Indicator' On Else Set Scene 'Garage Door Indicator' Off (set the KPL LEDs) Thanks for the help getting this going! I've only had the ISY for a few weeks now so if you see any room for improvement, please do let me know. -larry
  3. Oh, nice! I should be able to work this out now, thanks!
  4. My garage door toggles between open/stop/close/stop/open/stop/close with every button press (or shorting the wires). So sounds like a program is the way to go, cool. Oh, this would be perfect, how do you do it? When I try to write a program to set the KPL LED the only options I get are to set the backlighting for the whole KPL. There are no options for turning an individual light on or off. Are you able to do that?
  5. Hi, I am installing the Smarthome Garage Door kit 74551. I started by following the directions in the WIKI, which were very helpful in getting this setup. My main problem with those directions is that the KPLs were left with the ability to both open and close the garage door - I only want them to be able to close the door. I tried different combinations of IOLinc Momentary A/B/C and KPL Toggle but I couldn't find one that worked. I decided it wasn't possible to do what I want purely with scenes (is that true?), so I deleted the Garage Door Relay scene and replaced it with some programs: GARAGE DOOR BUTTON: If Control 'LR Entry KPL G - Garage Door' is switched Off Or Control 'LR Entry KPL G - Garage Door' is switched On Or Control 'LR Patio KPL G - Garage Door' is switched Off Or Control 'LR Patio KPL G - Garage Door' is switched On Then Run Program 'Garage Door Close' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') GARAGE DOOR CLOSE: If Status 'Garage Door - Sensor' is On Then Set 'Garage Door - Relay' On Run Program 'Garage Door Query' (If) Else Run Program 'Garage Door Query' (If) GARAGE DOOR QUERY: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Repeat 1 times Set 'Garage Door - Relay' Query Set 'Garage Door - Sensor' Query Wait 5 seconds Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This all works, but now I have a new problem... the KPL button changes state when it is pressed, regardless of what the 'Garage Door - Sensor' does. For instance, given this starting point: * 'Garage Door - Sensor' On (because the door is open) * KPL Light on (because it is a responder in a scene where the sensor is a controller) As soon as I press the KPL button, the KPL LED goes off. The program runs and the door starts to close. If something happens and the door stops early and stays open, you can't tell because the KPL button is already off. Is there a way to re-sync the KPL LED with the sensor status? BTW, I have ISY 99i/IR Pro v2.7.12, IOLinc v.36 and KPL v.36. thanks! -larry
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