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Pete C

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  1. Thanks to you both for your preliminary thoughts. Mr. Bill - you helped me in the past so I really appreciate your support. I used the same laptop connected to the same network for the past year. Today I took a gamble and cleared my Java cache, including applications, I then loaded the Administrate Console using the following link: http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/admin.jnlp I logged in and saw my devices, but still no programs or variables. I tried to restore my last saved recovery backup and it stopped after displaying the details in the attached file. It seems the backup could not remove / replace certain files. Thanks for any thoughts. Pete backup load error screens.docx
  2. I am an intermediate user of the UD ISY994i device and related programming, but I am a novice at how to mange the connection to the device. Recently I was using the UD Cloud access as normal with Insteon-UD994 v. 5.3.4 I made a minor modification to a program and it works as intended. I made a backup recovery file of the system when finished. I went to modify the program again and when logged in the system did not show any of my programs listed. I tried to recover the system by loading my recently saved backup, and things went south in a hurry. I received a message that the action will replace all settings in the ISY, reboot the ISY and so forth. Just what I wanted. BUT during that process I got an error message that certain files could not be removed and the reinstall failed. Now I cannot reach a log on prompt and can not reinstall the backup file. I CAN see my devices and programs on the internet portal, which of course has limited programming functionality. So I ask the expert community - is the path forward to remove all traces of the ISY on my PC running Windows 10 and then reinstall all system, clear the Java Cache, and load my backup files as originally planned? I searched this site, and various pdf documents including "User Guide For Universal Devices’ Administrative Console (ISY)" but I cannot find guidance on how to fully uninstall the Admin Console, refresh Java and start over. Recognizing my novice status, I may have missed this in the documents I studied! Thank you for your time and assistance
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