I will begin this by letting everyone know I am not a home automation expert. I purchased Insteon products 9 years ago to reduce the number of traditional wall switches/dimmers in a family room addition with 8 ceiling can lights for art works, a couple of wall sconces and two overhead hanging lights. The 8 button dimmer keypad controlling In-Line Link dimmer modules (currently 2475DA1) allowed me to eliminate a lot of switch clutter on the walls. When we built this addition, I had it wired specifically for these devices so the loss of replacements puts me in a real bind.
Does anyone in this forum know of a direct replacement for the 2475DA1 dimmer modules or have any suggestions on how to overcome the loss of Insteon products. I'm currently trying to revive some failed modules by replacing the capacitors...a long shot. (kicking myself for not stocking up on replacement devices!)