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Everything posted by DHemrick01

  1. @bpwwer just to follow up, I am happy to report that this has been running perfectly since I installed your fix last night. Please let me know if there is any other data you need for your verification.
  2. I have successfully reinstalled it from the store. I had created a counter to track how many minutes the temperature in each room goes between updates. The counter will reset to 0 for that room if the temperature read for that room changes and otherwise will continue to increment by 1 every minute. Previously, all values would count up indefinitely indicating that the values were not changing. I am looking at those counters right now. My success criteria is that if your fix is working, I should see this value periodically reset to 0. That is exactly what I am seeing. I will continue to monitor it, but it appears that your fix is working. Thank you again for the quick resoluton.
  3. That is awesome! Thank you for the quick response and potential resolution. Yes, that would explain why I could restart the plugin and sometimes would see that it would retrieve the new values after the restart.
  4. So... actually here is an example right now: My office puck is currently set to 64 F which equates to 17.8 C. It is currently 68 F in my office which equates to 20 C. This is properly being shown on my "R5_Upstairs Office" Flair Room device. It is from this object that I am getting my current ambient temperature because I cannot read the temperature from the puck device directly for some reason However, when I look at the puck, it shows something completely different: it is definitely not 62.6 F in my office where I am typing this right now. This is the exact issue I saw when one of the bedrooms overheated, but in that case, the puck was registering a much hotter temperature than the room which caused the vent to stay open and continue heating the room. I've attached an updated log capture. Flair_1-21-2025_71134_PM.zip
  5. Thank you, @bpwwer. I had suspected the same about the C to F conversion. In the more current examples I had that provided above, that might explain it. I'll keep an eye on the C values to see how often that changes. (rant: I so very wish the US had switched to metric decades ago but alas, that is what we are dealing with so I was trying to make it work) That said, the incident that precipitated this was where the room would have been many degrees C hotter... 77 F (25 C) in the room even though the puck was returning around 62.4 F (around 17 C). I'll see if I can capture that if it happens again. It was in the middle of the night so I was focused on just getting the room cooled down and didn't see if something was offline or what the values were at the time. If I can catch this happening again, I'll see if I can grab more data.
  6. I got this as well on my Polisy. The ISY part of my system is inoperative and appears to be in a constant cycle of coming up and restarting with the following observations: The status shown on the portal keeps coming up and then saying disconnected. The admin console will connect, but then later show the login dialog again, and when I attempt to log in, I get a message that the system has been restarted and that I should start another session None of my Insteon stuff will work because it needs the ISY to be online. the isy-freebsd-x64 process is pretty much stuck running at 100% all the time
  7. Thank you both for your suggestions. I did try removing the zwave dongle completely and rebooting, but the same issue persists. I will open up a support ticket with UD. I'll also post back what the resolution is for future reference.
  8. I recently upgraded from the ISY994i to Polisy. I followed the instructions for upgrading from ISY to Polisy and it mostly seemed to work as expected. I was able to restore my devices and programs, and have it connect to my Insteon devices via a USB Insteon dongle. However, when I started trying to update a few of my programs to correct some issues that happened when I switched, I have run into an issue where I get this error usually on the second save: This happens consistently after the first save after the Polisy has been rebooted, and sometimes even on the first save. The only way I have found to get out of this is to reboot the whole Polisy box. It also seems to be stuck in System Busy for a while after this. It will also hang in System Busy if I click the Undo Changes button. Subsequent tries to save, if permitted, result in the same error: I searched for this error and I did see an article mentioning this particular topic on ISY from 2017, but there is no resolution posted. Any help would be most appreciated.
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