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  1. I've just installed jre-8u333-windows-x64.exe on Windows 11 64-bit. When I attempt to run start.jnlp, a dialog box flashes for a millisecond then disappears and the ISY Finder doesn't appear. Am I using the wrong java version?
  2. Luckily Smarthome is still up and order history is available. Apparently I purchased (4) 2477S back in 2015 that I had forgotten about. Accounted for 3 so there is still one in a drawer somewhere. Thanks for the help!
  3. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind if I don't get this working the way I want.
  4. I have updated my undercabinet lighting that was controlled by an Insteon 2477D to Lighting Division "No Dot" LED. The LEDs required a 15V non-dimmable transformer. I have a Qubino Flush Dimmer to control the 0-10V required to dim the LEDs. My question is, since the 2477S on/off switch is nearly impossible to find, can the 2477D act as an on/off switch at a zero percent ramp? I don't want to damage anything downstream. I looked in the 2477D manual to see if there was a way to configure as switch rather than a dimmer but couldn't find anything. Any insight would be appreciated.
  5. Strange, it had zero bids at $1100 BiN purchase price. Now at auction $305 with 2 bids. https://www.ebay.com/itm/165436803245?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=IZDUHAv_Rmm&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=MorWqO_-Thm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Supply and demand. He can ask whatever he wants. Lets see if it actually sells. I'm sure that's the same reason the guy selling Insteon USB 2448A7 for $40 pulled his ad due to an error in the listing. Error being, demand dictated more than $40.
  7. Haha! that's funny right there. Should add "We're Keeping the Lights On Because You Can't Turn Them Off Remotely"
  8. Stargate SG-1 or the original with Kurt Russell?
  9. I have 40+ Insteon devices that I've accumulated over the years. 19 of them were purchased in the last year for a my kitchen remodel (expanded to entire downstairs). I still have a huge box of X10 devices if anyone is interested in them. Yeah, you are correct. I am PISSED to say the least. Just finished all my scenes and Alexa integration. Now no app or voice control. I have a ISY994 and Insteon PLM that I hadn't connected yet but when everything stopped working I figured now was the time to connect it. Unfortunately, I found that the USB PLM isn't compatible and couldn't be found by the 994. I ordered a Polisy Pro that says will work with the 2412U so we'll see. What a shame too as Insteon was really working well for me. I still haven't found another technology that is as responsive and reliable as Insteon. You are also correct that I WILL NOT be purchasing any Nokia devices.
  10. How about Instegone?
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