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Everything posted by AgingTechNerd

  1. Sorry if this is a duplicate... Just in case folks we not made aware of this offer by Shelly. I really like their stuff. https://shelly.cloud/insteon-customers-help/ Hope this helps.
  2. ok I kind of figured that. I do have Homeseer running. The hub was more of a backup for when Homeseer does it's weekly or bi-weekly lockup. I could use the phone app for that in the meantime. Thanks.
  3. Yup same here. Timers still running in the hub but can't access it through the App. Even the Insteon message board seems to be offline. I had just started the transition from Insteon to Shelly on Home Assistant. I guess I need to accelerate that now. I've got a ton of Insteon stuff. Some still in unopened boxes. If any one needs modules I will have no shortage of them. Feel free to pm me. I'm near Toronto Canada.
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