mvgossman and others -
Since I live 20 miles north of Smarthome's Millikan address and have been in their onsite store many times in the past, I decided to just drive down there because they weren't answering my emails and my hub tanked. Much to my surprise the Millikan office was closed and after peering through windows and the lobby, there was no sign that it had been operational for some time.
While in the parking lot, Googled Insteon and found another address on Alton, which was only about a mile to the West. Drove there and saw the familiar Smarthome/Insteon logo on the building. Went inside and found them to be located in Suite 100. Opened the door to this suite only to find it was completely vacant. Spoke to neighboring businesses who said they had left about a few weeks earlier. Just missed them.
I find it odd that they would have tanked considering the fact that they were the leader in home automation before it was popular. They should have been at the top of their game and now I have a whole house filled with Insteon (and X10) devices that are no longer on a schedule or voice actuated. I just sold this house and home automation was one of its selling features. Bummer.
Now I don't know what my alternative is going to be.