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Prana electric

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  1. Thank you for making changes on your end to get it working. I appreciate the great technical support and value the years of knowledge that the online forum offers. Cheers!
  2. Did all that and still get the same thing. Each texts identification number is completely different from the others. At least it’s working. A little annoying that it looks like I’m getting texts from a bunch of different devices/locations
  3. Hello again So text messages started working again but coming in with a different email address from universal devices and a huge line of digits before it. Each text is different The most recent is 0100018265e87e5d-d9fdc585-8fc1-4392-9b67-59fbfdf6f07e-000000@mail.universal-devices.com but comes in as a text message Every following message has a different numerical value
  4. I’m in Canada. Bell mobility Honestly I haven’t tried sending a simple email to text. All I did now was add my email address to the list and modified which notification I really need to get so I’m not completely stuck. So I’m just getting email notifications instead of texts.
  5. I've been talking to Michel and we are kinda stumped as too why its not working. He helped troubleshoot the problem by me sending my error log but could not find any problems. Sending email notifications works fine but not text.
  6. Is there an outage? I haven’t been receiving my text notifications all weekend. I checked all the settings on my Polisy and tried a test but no response…
  7. No. My Polisy has a Zooz stick connected to it for Zwave and a PLM connected to it for the Insteon devices. The Zwave devices are Leviton receptacles and switches. What’s strange about it is when I use the push button on the receptacle to turn it on and off the status changes on the app and on my UD computer interface page. It doesn’t how ever change status for the switch. I have to query the switch to see a change in status
  8. OK sorry to get off topic. So I figured out that if I turn the light switch on at the device, the status does not change on the ISY unless I query that device then the status shows on. So the insteon devices automatically show their changed state on the ISY without query 'ing them but the Zwave devices do not. That's why the program did not work with the Zwave devices. Is there a way to show the state or status of Zwave devices without have to query them to get their new state?
  9. Hello all I tried creating a count down timer using the example on the UD website from 10 years ago and it worked. The problem I am having is that it will not work with Z Wave connected switches and plugs. It works fine with all the Insteon devices I tried the program, but not with Zwave. Any insight would be appreciated. I also tried just creating a basic program to count down the device and no luck The device does work through the app and web portal so it's not the device.
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