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Community Answers

  1. I would say this post from 2023 gives the answer on a similar situation on the status of each zone: "I have found that this node is not really be maintained and doesn't really work." Developer as has been mentioned has not done anything with this for years. Perhaps someone else will pickup.
  2. Thanks kzboray, I will look at giving this a try and report back.
  3. I did mention that setting a time to not run the program works fine which would be the fallback but it would be nice when you manually kick things on in the middle of the day it is aware of the Watering status.
  4. GregKinney - this is the Rachio Forum. I have never understood a response like oberkc just gave - I don't use it but I can not help but give my opinion to something I don't know anything about.
  5. Tried that - issue seems to be that it will not query the Watering status.
  6. Larryllix - I do not follow what you are asking. Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Off is not a program it is the status of the Rachio. Watering is either Off or On. Its a door sensor so its simply opening the door to let the dogs out, it is in the ON status for 5 seconds or so. In a nutshell what I believe the IF statement should be doing is saying if the front door is opened check to see if Rachio is watering the lawn; if it is not watering the lawn then run the program called Front Door Dog Water. If I remove the Rachio Watering check and put say a time in when the scheduled nightly watering takes place all works as you would want; door opens while it is between those times and it doesn't run the Front Door Dog Water program. It seems like the check on Rachio to see if it is Watering is not working.
  7. Thought maybe someone would have an idea why this isn't working. In summary I have an Insteon Door Sensor that when it is On (Door Opens) it will turn on a Ranchio Program that runs two zones for 10 minutes each to wash out the gift the dog just left that kills the grass. It works great, but in the evening we have our normal watering taking place. When this Insteon Program is triggered once the current zone that is watering natively via Ranchio Schedule it will stop that and kick off the program from Insteon thus ending our scheduled nightly water. To fix this I thought I could add a check to see if Ranchio is currently watering but that does not seem to work. Ideas? The Insteon Program is: If 'Outside / Front Door / Front Door Sensor' Status is On And 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Off Then Run Program 'Front Door Dog Water' (Then) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The Program to turn the Front Door Dog Water On is: Front Door Dog Water - [ID 0060][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 10 minutes Set 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler / Dog Water' Start Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. MGustin

    iOS Version

    Looks like iOS Version 1.1.59 dropped just now in the App Store.
  9. MGustin

    iOS Version

    The current version for iOS in the App Store is 1.1.57 yet the latest release that includes the "No Hue Hub" requires 1.1.59. Google Play has version 1.1.64 published. Am I missing something?
  10. Curious if anyone was using this and if so their thoughts...
  11. Thank you, I was looking in just the admin and now I see it per what you suggested and under Illumination if you want to call it for programs. Thanks again.
  12. Just installed the Weatherflow Tempest but do not see the LUX reading, just UV. Am I missing something or is this a feature request?
  13. Agree with what others have said about YoLink. When YoLink was suggested here I purchased and was very impressed; purchased another for our second dumb opener shortly after getting the first installed. Resolved some other issues on initiating programs based on door state (turn on garage lights if door is opening dusk to dawn for one example). This is a great alternative to MyQ.
  14. MP3 (using the sample file right now for testing) or whatever format the Say function uses. Volume works on all other aspects, i.e. Playlist, without issue.
  15. When Playing a Clip the volume seems to be very low and making changes to the volume does not seem to affect the output. Anyone know of a way to set the volume on Clips or Say? I would say when a clip is played the volume is about 30%. No matter what volume (current device level or setting volume level in program first) does not seem to impact Clips. Ideas?
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