Hello, I'm new to this web site. I've been reading posts trying to determine what path to follow to control my Insteon devices. There are many posts that refer to "ways to control Inseon devices" but it seems a mystery as what exactly all the paths are and how to compare them. Now the post above alludes to the possibility of there being another solution to the "PLM" on the horizon. Confusing. I wonder if it will be better?
Well, if I understand it correctly, the PLM is the device that (PLM = Power Line Modem?) sends the two signals to the devices and I guess thus generates the mesh for the Insteon network? But the Hub in my house must do that too? Sorry for my ignorance. I'm trying to learn, but no one ever seems to explain the workings. I guess everyone thinks it is too obvious to state? Well, if I'm correct, that the HUB in my house generates the two mesh signals, then I guess we just need to be able to program the HUB without using the Insteon Servers. If that is true, then we get back to all the many ways to do that and what they are and how to compare them.
Have I stated the problem correctly?
Thank you for reading.