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About PeterP

  • Birthday December 9

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  1. OK... maybe I'm going about this all wrong. 😅 The main reason I changed the button to 'non-toggle off' mode is that I want that button to trigger a scene or program but then not remain lit. (The main reason for that is, let's say the scene triggers two Hue bulbs turning on to 50% for an "evening" scene, but then I subsequently use a different control, like Hue Tap, to turn off those bulbs. The button will stay on.) The two ways I thought to resolve this are: Add a step in the program to wait a few seconds then turn off the light by setting a scene where that button is set to off (this would only work if it's a program, I couldn't find a way to turn off the button with only a scene). Use the 'non-toggle off' mode since that itself turns off the light after flashing twice. No good?
  2. OK. Then how do I write a program that's triggered by the button being pressed in Non-Toggle [Off] mode? 😅
  3. Just so I'm clear - if a button is set to Non-Toggle [Off] the action of pushing the button triggers 'switched off'? Wouldn't 'switched off' be triggered the whole time, since... it's off? And if the answer to that question is that switched off is only triggered when it's on then off, I noticed that in Non-Toggle [Off] mode, the light flashes twice (as in: off, on, off, on, off). Does that mean the program will be triggered twice?
  4. Yes, you're right, sorry, it's set to Non-Toggle [Off]. I have a scene right now set to Switch.B (Action = on) which is *not* being triggered when I push B. The scene itself is simple, it just turns on two Hue bulbs. To troubleshoot this using a program instead of a scene, I created a program which has an "If" Condition of Switch.B is switched On, then it also turns on the Hue bulbs, and that does not get triggered either. However, if I change to Toggle mode, either the scene or program works. So I'm trying to figure out if I need a different trigger if the button is set to Non-Toggle [Off], or if I'm doing something else wrong. Thank you!
  5. Hey guys - I tried searching for this but couldn't find any answers on the forum. I created both a scene and a program that are (obviously) triggered when a respective button on my Insteon Keypad is pushed. However when I set the button to "toggle off" (so that the keypad light doesn't stay on), neither the scene or program are triggered on the corresponding button. It seems to me like the "if" trigger (eg. in a program: 'Switch.A' is switched On, or 'Switch.A' Status is On; in a scene the switch being the Controller) is not actually being triggered/activated. Is there a special condition that I need to program for "toggle off" buttons vs default toggle buttons? Thank you!
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