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  1. So is the upgrade safe or does it always fail?
  2. balli

    Zooz Battery Status

    Yea, I see that in my older Zooz devices but ZSE11 and ZSE42 look like this. I did find a config setting for the ZSE11 not documented in the sheet that comes with the device for a parameter under which the battery status is reported (number 32). I set it to 99%. We'll see if it reports anything anytime soon. I just want to know if it reports %, voltage or true/false so know how to write the program to notify me.
  3. balli

    Zooz Battery Status

    So "battery level" goes to "on" in that case? Currently battery level is blank. I've had a ZSE11 powered on for weeks and it's battery field is still blank
  4. balli

    Zooz Battery Status

    Does anyone know how the Zooz zse11/zse42 reports battery status? I see in the logs that it frequently sends a message that it is awake or a message that the temp has changes, but it never sends a battery level event. The zse18 reports it's battery level just fine (it's the only zooz battery operated device that does seem to report it's battery status). I'm also trying to deploy zse42 water sensors, but can't get a battery level. It's hard to trust a water sensor that doesn't report battery level. It does send a wake up =100% immediately followed by wake up = 0% every hour. I suppose I could monitor this and assume the battery is dead if it stops happening, but I'd much rather see the battery status in real time rather than knowing when it's dead especially since I'm often away from home for extended lengths of time.
  5. Yes, I have the paid notification plugin. I'm on exactly the same page you posted. I just don't know what to fill in for Application Key. I see this note You must have a user key for the Pushover Service and you will need at least one application key which are listed at the bottom of that page under "Your Applications". I'm just not sure what "that page" means. If it's the pushover app settings page, I see no "your applicatons" there
  6. I must be missing something obvious here. I'm trying to setup a pushover notification controller. I know by pushover User Key, but the admin console wants Name, Node Address And Primary Node Address. I have no clue what any of this means. I also tried using the Polyglot Notifications Add pushover, but it wants Node Name (I assume this is something I make up), User Key which I know(though typing in that random 30 character code will be a chore), and Application Key (I have no idea where to find this).
  7. balli

    Linking for hours

    I went to login to my eisy today and it's been linking for hours now. I can control lights from UD Mobile, but Alexa is totally offline. The only thing I can think of thats changed is I added a Hue device using UD Mobile. It takes about 10 minutes to go through a Linking progress bar and them immediately starts over again. My event log looks like this. I can't tell if it's making progress or if it's wedged. I probably have 50-60 insteon devices (12 keypad links amongst them) Not sure if those count as 1 device or 7. I also have maybe another 10-15 z-wave devices plis the one hue device that I added.
  8. I wonder if the "new" Insteon devices are built with decent capacitors? I have 25 keypadlinc controllers in the house of early Insteon vintage and they're horribly unreliable. Thankfully ISY is dead reliable. Every time the power fails (which is a lot), a few of them manage to lose their brains and need to be factory reset and restored. I just bought a batch of 5 new ones to replace the worst of the lot, but I hate to think of this as a forever thing. I've probably got 10 of the original batch that have hard failed at this point (along with a box full of switchlincs whose paddles failed). I'm really fearful of selling this house. I wanted a clean look without huge banks of switches, so many circuits are controlled by keypadlincs talking to switchlincs mounted in the basement. All good until the keypadlinc fails and there is no easy way to control the lights. Thankfully Alexa can usually still talk to the hidden keypadlincs, but this certainly isn't a turnkey solution to pass onto a new owner. The thought of a 6-7 gang of switches in the kitchen makes me ill and I can't imagine the implications of 3-way switches. Oh, one positive thing.... I just bought an eisy with the ZMatter USB dongle and it's 10x more reliable that the old ISY z-wave and the Homeseer stuff.
  9. Not so good. Twice in 2 weeks. Homeseer Alexa commands work fine. Actually over the past couple days, Alexa has been telling me my thermostat isn't responding, though it does (or at least did until now), actually change the setpoint.
  10. Thanks for the detailed response. I guess the main thing making me blame Zooz is the fact that my Honeywell and Aeotech devices are dead reliable at longer distances than Zooz. To be fair these are all "open air" devices while most of the Zooz gear is in plastic electrical boxes. Hopefully you're right and this can me made to work. I'm sick of trying to buy used insteon parts from Ebay
  11. Yea, I put a Zooz zen14 hanging from an outlet in the ceiling about 15 feet from the ISY. I had hoped it would repeat to my problem switches which are maybe another 20 feet away, but no luck. One problem switch reports it's route to the ISY is via a Honeywell lamp module on another floor and the other shows it's route through a Honeywell lamp module that I have plugged in right beside the ISY. Odd because there are other closer Zooz devices in both cases. Seems like Zooz gen7 has lousy z-wave radios and maybe don't repeat properly. Maybe I'll try relocating my ISY. It's attached to the wall beside my electrical panel along with a cable modem and various network switches (but not my router).
  12. Has anyone had a luck getting reliable connections to Zooz gen 7 devices? I have ISY with 500 series zwave card (ISY and the 500 card have current firmware). I've had a couple zwave thermostats and Aeon switches in a different floor than the ISY that have seemed to work fine through the years. Because I have a whole house full of failing 15 year old Insteon stuff, I've been seeing of I can migrate some of these to zwave. I have a Zen76 only about 12 feet (and a layer of sheetrock), from the ISY and I constantly get failed commands (full of messages about waiting x number of ticks for retry in the logs). I found a couple old Honeywell lamp modules (zwave plus) and I can put these 40 feet from the ISY and they work 100% reliable). I bought a Zooz zen14 to try to use as a repeater and it's hanging in free air about 20 feet from the ISY and I can't even communicate 100% reliably with that. Putting one of the Honeywell modules beside the ISY has helped a little, but I still can't get 100% reliable z-wave to Zooz devices. I have another pair of Zen76 about 30 feet from the ISY with one of the Honeywell modules mounted in the same spot, but on another floor. Honeywell works perfectly, and the zen76 is maybe 65% reliable on any given command. You'd think at least the Honeywell modules would act as a repeater to the near by Zooz devices. I ordered a bunch of Aeon gen 7 repeaters. Hoping maybe I make this work with them. This all seems like a bad flashback to the old x10 days and isn't making me very confident about using zwave. Oh, the Zooz devices will work reliably if they're within a couple feet of the ISY.
  13. Curious about your zwave experience given I'm facing a houseful of failing Instron equipment. Have you found a Zwave scene controller (ala Keypadlinc), than can be cleanly labeled?
  14. Yea, I do have a whole house surge suppressor. We lose power a lot. At least once a month
  15. I've had maybe 20-odd Keypadlinc in my house for the past 15 years now. They've always been prone to freeze up after a power failure, but it's getting worse and worse. After any power event, there always a few that don't come back to life now. I can usually fix them by resetting and reloading, but even that isn't working sometimes now. I don't know if I should punt and just swap out for z-wave or not. I might be tempted is there was an alternative with high quality button labeling available. I'm down to my last couple of spare switches now and the ones on ebay are crazy prices for even used switches that may well have the same issues as mine. I'm thinking there have to be others in this same boat with me.
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