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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Charles Hall

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  1. Thanks - the url did not work in a browser until I also entered the port 280. When I then entered the port 280 in the UD mobile it also worked - the local connection in the UD Mobile indicates that a port is not required, but in my case it was. Thanks for your quick responses
  2. Hi, The new version improved things - I don't have crashing anymore. However, when I try to connect locally (I do not have an active remote account anymore) I get the following error Error (IOException) java.net.connectexception: Failed to connect to / Thoughts?
  3. initially it did not show any screen - just crashed - now it is showing an error No portal Account linked to this system ... Please go to Settings ... When I click on Settings icon, it crashes as before
  4. I could start the application, and explore the device/program hierarchy below the Home button, but when I went to Setup or Favorites, it crashed. I have rebooted my phone. I uninstalled the app, then reinstalled, now it crashes when it starts - no prompt at all or flash screen. Help
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