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Everything posted by BDuncan

  1. Just to follow up… I submitted a ticket to UDI and they were able to quickly resolve the problem. They also suggested the problem might have been caused by a failed update. I logged into eisy using SSH with the command: ssh admin@eisy.local.IP where eisy.local.IP is my local esiy IP address (just the numbers with no port number). I logged in using password admin, even though my Admin Console and Polyglot V3 password is something different. I then ran the command: curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/fix.it | sudo bash I had to enter the password admin again. At the end of that command the esiy restarted. I then reinstalled all plugins and everything worked.
  2. The browser did not download a <plugin>.zip file. I cannot download log files from any of the plugins. I can download pg3_.zip and system_.zip from the Polyglot log file page.
  3. I have rebooted using the admin console and with the multi function button (clicking six times). The Upgrade BIOS button in the Admin Console is greyed out, which is normal, right? I clicked on the Upgrade Packages button, after which I was able to open Polyglot 3x and install the packages. I will open a ticket and, of course, post back the solution from support.
  4. Thanks for replying. This is what I see when I click on Download Log Package. This is the Polyglot log file from the last time I started PG3x to when I clicked on Download Log Package in OpenWeatherMap (with some things x'ed out). 2024-11-30 10:49:07.463 [pg3] info: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2024-11-30 10:49:07.464 [pg3] info: Starting PG3x version 3.2.27 2024-11-30 10:49:07.465 [pg3] info: Using Workdir /var/polyglot/pg3/ 2024-11-30 10:49:07.469 [pg3] info: Starting sqlite database at /var/polyglot/pg3/pg3.db 2024-11-30 10:49:07.494 [pg3] info: Encryption key found ID: 5cc8b6ee-3435-490f-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Database version 1 2024-11-30 10:49:07.497 [pg3] info: Query IoX for platform UUID. 2024-11-30 10:49:23.159 [pg3] info: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2024-11-30 10:49:23.160 [pg3] info: Starting PG3x version 3.2.27 2024-11-30 10:49:23.161 [pg3] info: Using Workdir /var/polyglot/pg3/ 2024-11-30 10:49:23.164 [pg3] info: Starting sqlite database at /var/polyglot/pg3/pg3.db 2024-11-30 10:49:23.170 [pg3] info: Encryption key found ID: 5cc8b6ee-3435-490f-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Database version 1 2024-11-30 10:49:23.173 [pg3] info: Query IoX for platform UUID. 2024-11-30 10:49:23.197 [pg3] info: Found IoX with UUID 00:21:b9:02:64:95 2024-11-30 10:49:23.201 [pg3] info: Loaded globalsettings successfully. Database version 1 2024-11-30 10:49:23.204 [pg3] info: isys currently in table: [{"id":"999affbe-3ee0-4732-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx","uuid":"00:21:b9:xx:xx:xx","name":"ISY","ip":"localhost","port":8080,"username":"xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com","password":"xxxxxxxxxx","enabled":1,"discovered":1,"version":"5.8.4","secure":0,"timeAdded":1612319665051,"timeModified":1732988848318,"dbVersion":1}] 2024-11-30 10:49:23.204 [pg3] info: isy table: Loaded (1) successfully 2024-11-30 10:49:23.205 [pg3] info: IoX: 00:21:b9:02:64:95 5.8.4 localhost 999affbe-3ee0-4732-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 2024-11-30 10:49:23.207 [pg3] info: nodeserver table: Loaded 4 nodeserver(s) successfully 2024-11-30 10:49:23.209 [pg3] info: store is up-to-date 2024-11-30 10:49:23.220 [pg3] info: Forcing custom certificates to off 2024-11-30 10:49:23.222 [pg3] info: Updated configuration with overrides 2024-11-30 10:49:23.223 [pg3] info: Setting PG3 log level to warn 2024-11-30 10:50:10.127 [pg3] warn: Logging to console is disabled. Log file is in /var/polyglot/pg3/logs/pg3-current.log 2024-11-30 11:33:31.078 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:33:31.079 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:33:31.079 [pg3] warn: Request for notices. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:33:31.740 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:33:31.741 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:33:31.741 [pg3] warn: Request for notices. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:45:51.870 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:45:51.870 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:45:51.870 [pg3] warn: Request for notices. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:55:22.754 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 11:55:22.754 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 12:01:48.923 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 12:01:48.923 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 12:07:49.315 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 12:07:49.315 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 15:40:45.162 [pg3] warn: Request for customparamsdoc. Not found in database 2024-11-30 15:40:45.163 [pg3] warn: Request for customtypedparams. Not found in database 2024-11-30 15:40:45.163 [pg3] warn: Request for notices. Not found in database 2024-11-30 15:40:55.203 [pg3] error: downloadLog: Error: File not found: /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026495_12/logs/debug.log at Object.addLocalFile (/var/polyglot/node_modules/adm-zip/adm-zip.js:258:23) at /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3x/lib/routes/log.js:151:16 at async /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3x/lib/services/https.js:48:9
  5. I have an Eisy running IoX v5.8.4 and PG3x v3.2.27. The OpenWeatherMap (v 4.0.2) shows a status of disconnected. I installed some additional plugins as a test and they all show a current status of disconnected and none of them generate a log file. There is a Real-time Polyglot log file, but it does not list any errors or warnings. This might not be an OpenWeatherMap issue, but I am focusing on it because that is the plugin I want to use. I can successfully make this API call, so I think my API key is working: https://api.openweathermap.org/data/3.0/onecall?lat=39.739178&lon=-104.989765&4&appid={API key} I tried rebooting many times. I have upgraded packages in the administrative Console. My guess is that PG3x is not communicating with IoX. Under IoX Configuration – Update IoX, I entered username “admin” and the password that I use log into the Admin Consol. Without a log file with an error message, I am not sure how to troubleshoot this issue. I am looking for troubleshooting suggestions.
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