I'm having trouble with the add a Z-Wave device popup not appearing.
For F/W & H/W detail please see about_myisy.PNG (attached).
I'm able to view the remove a z-wave device popup. Please see RemoveDevice_Dialog_Events.PNG (attached).
It seems that when adding a Z-Wave device, there's no popup dialog and the process closes out in 5 seconds. Please see IncludeDevice_NoDialog_Events.PNG (attached).
I've attempted the suggested troubleshooting: "
If the popup window does not appear, Select Z-Wave | Advanced | Stop Adding or Removing a Z-Wave Device then try again." cited here https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Users:V5:ZWave:User_Guide.
I've confirmed Java exceptions as cited here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Troubleshooting. Please see java_settings.PNG (attached).
Thank you UDI!!!