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  1. Thanks for the information. But the underlying issue is that the heartbeat is not appearing as a device. So I see Open, and Close, but no Heartbeat.
  2. I'll be happy to post migration process including pitfalls going forward.. We cannot be held hostage by an vendor.....
  3. Dont get me wrong, you guys are great and the first to help...... Just received a rasberry pie and installed Home assist, They do have a Insteon intergration. I'll play tomorrow. THe HA does intergrate with isy too. WIsh me luck
  4. Reset perfect... I need to monitor batteries for a reason. Signed irreatated.........
  5. Any other thoughts. Cannot be this hard.......
  6. yes to no avail. I did send email to insteon support and received response.... If you dont have a green light on hub, subscribe for support. They have killed support on a bad business model. Time to goto homeassistant and isy and change over one hundred devices. Wes
  7. Yea, Insteon support is all but kaput. date code: 3815 REV 1.B
  8. will post 4-digit date code and hardware version of your device. later'
  9. have 5 installed with no heartbeat
  10. Latest steps: I Removed the device, Performed factory reset on device, re-linked the device. Status: Failed. Heartbeat still missing. I Upgraded ISY99 firmware, then again removed the device, performed factory reset on device, and re-linked the device. Status: Failed. Heartbeat still missing. Upgraded firmware details: Any other ideas? This doesn't appear to be local to any particular device. though I will say that motion sensors do show the heartbeat/low Battery like the other devices used too.
  11. Understood, One last question....How to perform factory reset on I/O sensor Thanks, Wes
  12. To clarify, I see the device but no heartbeat entry Wes
  13. Not sure how to write pgm to monitor or start it it does not show in devices. Thoughts?
  14. Insteon_UD994 .1.19)v.4.9.0 (2020 12-22-11) Open/Close Sensor Model 2843-222 Thx, Wes
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