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  1. Thank you Geddy. I'll go and raise a support ticket to get the desired answer.
  2. I asked this about 6 months ago but didn't get a satisfactory answer. I was hoping for an exact temperature from the manufacturer. The answer I got said that it worked okay in a closet with some other electronics. So here's my query again: " I couldn't find any operating range temperatures for the ZMatter USB Dongle. I would like to locate it in an attic to get better range away from electrical and mechanical infrastructure. There should be maximum and minimum operating temperatures available as my attic could be anywhere from 0 - 130° Fahrenheit. Can someone advise please? "
  3. I couldn't find any operating range temperatures for the ZMatter USB Dongle. I would like to locate it in an attic to get better range away from electrical and mechanical infrastructure. There should be maximum and minimum operating temperatures available as my attic could be anywhere from 0 - 120 Fahrenheit. Can someone advise please?
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