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  1. Geddy; It's a new eisy. Firmware IoX v.5.7.0 UI also I0X v.5.7.0 (eisy (5226) Dennis, I just did the restore. Still the same issue. The nutty thing to remember is that if everything is on, and I use the wall switch in the Den, the den turns off and the ceiling fan remains on as it should. But if I use the admin console, or amazon echo to turn off the den, the ceiling fan also goes off, which it should not. Seems to me like there is something wrong with the 'Den' scene....I just can't see anything wrong.
  2. All, I have a strange behavior happening and I've got an idea about it, but I don't want to get too aggressive before the gallery here get's a chance at it. In my den, I have a switchlink wall dimmer. It has no load directly connected because the wiring goes to an outlet that is not in the right place. I also have a lamp dimmer module plugged into an always on outlet where I want to put my lamp. I have them both in a scene called Den, with the wall switch in control. Nothing else is supposed to be in that scene. It works as expected. When I turn on the switchlink wall plate, the LEDs on it climb up as expected, and the lamp also brightens to the expected level. In another room, I have an On / Off switchlink in the wall, with a ceiling fan connected as the load. No scene involved, turn on the switchlink LEDs go on and the fan operates. Turn the wall switch off and the LEDs go down and the fan turns off. Now for the strange part. If I use the ISY Admin Console, or if I use Amazon Echo, the 'Den' scene controls the Den lamp module, the LEDs on the wall plate as before AND the Ceiling fan! I don't see any programming done wrong in in the admin console, but I must have something wrong in the ISY, because I only see the problem when using the ISY control of the Den scene, or Amazon Echo using the Den scene. I'm thinking my next move might be to delete the Den scene and see if anything changes and then rebuild it and see if it stops controlling the Ceiling fan. Any thoughts on what I should be looking for ? Eric
  3. Resolved by support. Several issues, but all good now. Any idea how to put the admin console on a desktop shortcut in Windows 11 instead of just in the taskbar ?
  4. Almost made it with going to the EISY from 944. I think I'm just not getting to the internet from the new eisy. Everything in the house seems to work, and I can operate things from the admin console in the eisy. Unfortunately, Amazon Echo is not working, and when I try to migrate the portal licenses I can see both the old 944 and the new eisy. I go to 944 and choose that and say 'migrate from' and then select the eisy, and choose migrate to. I get the warning that this can't be reversed, but when I say OK, I get a message that the EISY can't be found. I presume that the EISY can't reach the UD server to migrate the license ? How can I be sure that the EISY is on the internet ? I might have to make changes in my router....I'm using DHCP on my network, but how do I make sure the EISY is set up to go out ?
  5. All; I'm trying to choose my upgrade path. Right now I have an ISY 994 with a serial PLM. I could get the new eisy and also get a new PLM with an IP connection....but then I have to get both of them working before I have my system back. The other idea is to get the EISY and the serial adapter and stay with the old PLM. But I know they have a limited life, so then I'd probably replace the PLM in short order anyway. Any thoughts on the right path ? Eric
  6. Understood. I think I also want to understand the new product a bit better. I thought it was just a modern ISY, but with a phone app to do the setup, I am wondering if there is still something like the admin console from a PC that I will use to create and maintain my programs. I'll do a little study. At least I have a backup from today to start from. Eric
  7. Mr. Bill; Thanks for the directions. I'm sure you saved me hours puzzling it out! I now have a new backup and the admin console pinned to my taskbar. I'm going to start down the path of replacing my ISY before it becomes unsupported. Any experience with converting from the ISY to the eisy | home ? I think all I need is the eisy and in my case the serial PLM kit... then I should be good to go for as long as the eisy has support. That should be a good long time. Eric
  8. Mr. Bill; Thanks. I have to run out for a little while, but I will try it tonight. I was almost certain that I needed to work with Java first. I had just un installed what I had to begin a new try. The one I had was Java SE Development Kit 19.0.2 which I was pretty sure was wrong....but I needed to know what was likely to work. I'll try again shorty using Java 8. Get it from the Oracle site ? We'll see how it goes. Eric
  9. All; I just got a new Lenovo Laptop that came with Windows 11. I want to install the admin console so I can back up my ISY 994i 256 so that I can then upgrade to the eisy home that will replace the 994i soon. Unfortunately, I can't get the Admin Console to install to the new PC. I have a ticket in with Universal Devices, but so far we are not having success. I suspect I need a different version of java on the new machine, and after trying with the most recent version available from Oracle, I'm stuck. I get a brief window that opens and closes when i use start.jnlp, but it does not install anything to the desktop so I can log into the ISY. When I log in to the ISY at it's interface, I get the basic console, but when clicking on the Admin Console, I just get the white page that asks me to leave it open. but no login page. ISY is Model Platform ISY-C-994 Version 5.3.4 Build Timestamp 2021-07-07-14:46:02 Any thoughts ? I have a backup from 2021, so I suppose I could just try ordering the eisy and a new power line modem and try to do the upgrade in the blind with an old backup, but if I can't event connect to my old controller with the new PC, I am reluctant to start sinking more cash into this ecosystem, which has been so good to me in the past. Eric Washington, DC
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