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  1. Thanks Geddy for your reply. Both my Iox and firmware match exactly and both are the latest version 5.6.0 My PG3x version is actually 3.1.26 and latest version. Lastly, I had not rebooted my eisy in little awhile so I just did and the error has gone away! Thanks for the reminder to occassionally flip the power button (the eisy is too small to give it a kick) .. Joe
  2. I have been able to successfully install the HUE polyglot V3 node server into my new EISY setup. It connects fine to my Hue bridge, and has discovered all of my nodes (lights) on the bridge. Each node (light) appears in the tree under HUE in the Main menu. All this is good. However, whenever I send a command such as on /off/ dim/ color etc. by clicking on the appropriate button on the node's screen in EISY, the action works fine, i.e. the light always does what I've asked of it. But immediately after every command I get a popup that says 'Error: TCP Client Read Response Failed (ISY)' that I have it OK to and move on. I'm assuming EISY is attempting confirmation of HUE that the command completed successfully but isn't getting it. Is that correct? How do I fix? Thanks.. Joe
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