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Kevin N

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  1. Thank you MrBill and others that commented on this thread. I've learned a few things that should be helpful on any future programs I create in my ISY. Regards, Kevin
  2. I think I get what you're saying here, but that is so confusing, I've coded with PERL, PHP, and several other languages over the past 25 years, and all of those would complete the "THEN/ELSE" section before being re-evaluated, if it was in a loop. What you're saying is the IF is being re-evaluated before all the lines in the THEN are executed, unless disabled and ran manually. <my head explodes> LOL. Regards, Kevin
  3. MrBill, Thanks for the input, the garage sensor is ON when the door is closed. Because of Alexa's listening screw ups mentioned above I was trying to prevent the relay from being triggered twice. This does not happen a lot, but enough to be an annoyance when it does. I had it setup so if the door was open, and I verbally told her to "Close The Garage Door", which is set to run the Garage Door Close program, it would make sure 2 conditions were met, the door was open via Garage Sensor Status = off, and the relay was off. When the relay is turned on, the status stays on unless its instructed to turn it off. It behaved as expected when I manually ran the program via the ISY (run if), the Garage Door Close program would not open the garage when ran while the door is shut, but when I had it setup for Alexa to run the "Garage Door Close" program it would also open the door even if it was closed (sensor would be set to ON (door in closed mode). The 21:14 entry in the log is when I closed the door for the night, so the status is correct for closed. It's been a while since I setup any new programs, so I'll take a look at your suggestion on how to setup the door. Something I did not realize before I made the post, I had a "Query All" program running at 3AM. I have no idea why that was there, I guess I did that a while back, but not sure why or what I was thinking at that time, so I deleted it. At this point, I just set things back to how it was before I started messing with it. Nobody likes seeing an armed half naked many running out of his house 6AM on a Sunday morning... LOL. I'm headed out of town tomorrow for a couple days, so I'll make another attempt at this when I return. For now, I think I'm ok by putting it back the way it was, and removing the Query All program that was running at 3AM. Thanks for the advice, Kevin
  4. Hello, I have an ISY994i/IR PRO running firmware 5.3.4 and I had a very concerning issue last night. I have a garage door on a relay that's been working great for many years with no issues. Yesterday, I wanted to fix an annoyance with Alexa and the garage door. Sometimes my echo devices will hear me in two different rooms when I tell her to turn on the garage door, thus opening/closing, then either stopping and reversing when heard in the second room. My solution was to create a "Garage Door Open" program and "Garage Door Close" program to check the status of the garage door sensor to determine if the door was already open or closed. I got that all setup and added to Alexa via the portal, though the program did not operate as I expected, it would still allow the door to trigger the open or close regardless of the status. This morning I was awakened by my house alarm going off because motion was detected in my garage. When I ran outside to see what was going on, I notice the garage door was open. I was sure I closed it before bed, so I started looking through the logs to see what happened. There were no alexa command issued, so I ruled that out, but my ISY log shows the garage relay was turned on at 3AM. I have no idea what caused this, though I have noticed after power outages, etc... I would get strange messages from my battery devices in the past. Can anyone give me any hints as to what is happening? Screen cap image of my log file and my program, though I don't think they are related. https://imgur.com/a/jkIZ8p3 Any help is appreciated. Regards, Kevin
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